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Emery hasn't talked to me in two weeks and it's killing me. I don't know what happened but we have one moment and she goes silent. It's starting to affect the way I play now. I can't focus on any of the drills Coach is making us do. Everyone on the team knows it too. They cover for me when I mess up. 

Ace stops me before we walk into the rink," You have to start focusing. We can't cover for your mistakes forever. Coach will notice and you're going to get us all in trouble."

"I'm trying," I hate this. I hate this so much," I just need her to talk to me."

"I know," Ace is so calm," Trust me, I know."

"Come on, you two," Aaron bangs out of the doors," I do not feel like running more drills because you two are gossiping out here."

"Shut up, you ass," I grumble moving into the building. I pause when Emery is standing in front of me. Fuck. Now is the time when words fail me. Of course, it is," Em. Hi."

Aaron mutters something under his breath," I'll tell Coach you'll be late."

Ace and Aaron move past us and I turn back to Emery," Are you doing okay?"

"I'm fine," She says and her voice. Lord, I've missed it," I- Are you okay?"

I nod. I'm a mess without you," I'm good. Are... are we okay?"

She nods slowly," Yeah. I just, I should clear something up. Whatever happened in my room... it didn't mean anything. I don't want anything to change. You understand that right?"

Ow. Okay. I nod," Yeah," my voice is hoarse and I clear my throat," I didn't want anything to change either. I have to get to practice. I'm glad we cleared that up."

We nod and I move into the locker room. Breathing has suddenly become very hard. I knew that was going to happen. I knew it and yet... here I am. Ow. Why does it feel like it physically hurts? Why does it feel like that? I sit on the bench and rub my eyes roughly. 

"Jason," I jump when I hear Ace," breathe."

I listen," Why does it physically hurt?"

"Cause you love her," Ace kneels in front of me," it's okay, Jason. You're going to be fine. Just breathe."

"I want to go home," I mutter into my hands," I really want to go home."

"I'll tell everyone you don't feel good. Go home. Sleep. Whatever you need to do, do it."

I don't even realize I moved until I'm opening my car door to drive home. I drive home on autopilot. I don't know how but I did. I barely even registered getting home and falling into bed. Both my parents are at work but they'll notice as soon as they see my car parked outside that I didn't stay at practice. I curl into myself and slowly drift into sleep. 

                                                                       ~A few days later~

"There's a party," Emery greets us at lunch with that as she sits next to me," I want to go but I won't do it alone. Will you guys go with me?"

"What happened to the Emery I know," I tease her by acting like I'm checking for something on her," She doesn't like parties, or people, or loud places."

She swats my hands away with a glare on her face. The one that's reserved for me during this moment. She turns back around with an eager smile on her face," Don't ask why I want to go, it doesn't matter. That's my secret."

"Where's it at," Aaron jumps at the opportunity and Ace is now interested. Oh. Interesting," I'm always up for a party."

"Perfect," Emery claps her hands together," it's at some popular girl's house. I don't know her name but everyone is invited. I overheard her talking about it and she really wants you guys there anyway. She's into this guy," She points a thumb at me," for some reason."

I raise an eyebrow at her," For some reason? I'll have you know I'm very good with the ladies. They find me very appealing."

She smirks," Appealing? Are you sure you didn't mix that up with revolting? They have different definitions in case you didn't know."

I fake laugh," Yes. Very funny. I'm laughing so hard."

She laughs before turning back to my friends. I watch her for a moment. God, she's beautiful. I look back at my friends. Ace has an eyebrow raised when I look at him and I shake my head. She tells Aaron where it's at and he agrees to go. Ace then agrees to go right after. He looks at me and it's my turn to raise an eyebrow. His face flushes and he shakes his head. I smirk. Gotcha.

Emery notices too because she's looking between the two of us before looking at Aaron. The discovery is written on her face before she also smirks. I sometimes forget how smart she is. She turns to me and I sit up a little. 

"You're going."

I snort," Am I?"


She sounds so certain," Why do you think this?"

"Because I'm going," She says and I smile," So, you're going. It's how it works."

She's not wrong but that won't stop me from teasing her," Since when?"

"Since always," She's getting frustrated and I love it," You know it. Don't fight me on this now."

"But it's so fun, lovely Em," I smile when her cheeks flush.

She opens and closes her mouth a few times before returning to her food. She knows I'm going. I know I'm going. Everyone knows I was going whether I was invited or not. I watch her for a little while as Aaron pulls her into another conversation. When she finishes her food, she leans into me and I savor the feeling. She does this so much. Just leans into me. I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my head on her shoulder. She relaxes into me immediately and I close my eyes. She's so soft. She smells really good too. I tuck my head into her neck and she tenses for a moment. She relaxes almost immediately as I relax into her. She's amazing. 

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