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My stomach growls loudly in the dark. It's close to two in the morning and Jason is draped across me. I try to ignore the hunger but my stomach has other plans as it growls again. I gently push Jason off of me and slip out of the room with my keycard and wallet. 

"Did you have fun," Aaron says from across the hall. 

I jump, dropping my wallet and keycard," Jesus, Aaron. Why are you out here?"

"Couldn't sleep, went for a walk," He smirks," Did you have fun?"

My face heats and I know it's an embarrassing level of red," Shut up. Were we..."

"Were we what, Em?"

I glare at his smirking face," Were we loud?"

"Didn't even hear a sound other than on nice whimper from Jason. I need to know what you did to elicit that sound," Aaron laughs and I can't help but let a small one out," You have a few hickeys. That's why I know what happened."

My hand immediately shoots to my neck and I groan," My coach is going to kill me."

Aaron wraps an arm around my shoulder and he leads me down the hall," It'll be fine. Some makeup will fix you right up. You aren't trying to avoid him now are you?"

I look up at Aaron with a raised eyebrow," What? No. I'm just starving."

Aaron chuckles," Ah yes, the after-hookup snacky time."

I snort," I don't think that's a thing."

"It is now," Aaron shoves my shoulder, jokingly. 

I shake my head with a laugh," Why couldn't you sleep?"

Aaron is quiet and I wait patiently as I choose what I want to eat," I've had some confusing feelings and they were getting a little distracting. I was hoping a walk would clear my head."

"And did it?"

"Not even a little."

I turn away from Aaron for a moment to hide the smile playing on my face. I have a feeling I know what or who this is about," Whatever bothering you, I'm sure it will work itself out."

"Maybe," He's quiet for a moment again before speaking," I think I like Ace but my feelings are so confusing and I don't want him to think that I see him as a girl just because I've- uh"

I squeeze his arm," Because you've only been with women?" He nods," Love, has he ever thought that that is what you think about him?" He shakes his head," Then why would he now?"

"I don't know," He runs a stressed hand through his hair," It's a lot more scary when you've been friends for years. I think I understand how you felt now."

"Just take your time," I nudge his shoulder," Nothing says you have to confess tonight."

"I know," He sighs and we stop again at our rooms," Thank you, Emery. This means a lot to me."

"I love you, Aaron," I kiss his cheek," I'll always be here for you."

He smiles before disappearing into his room and I finally enter mine. I pause when I see the lights on and Jason sitting up on the bed," What were you doing?"

I hold up the bags of snacks I got," I got hungry. Want some?"

He shakes his head and I climb in next to him. He pulls me into his lap," So, I have a question."

I smile, taking his hand in mine and kissing it gently," What's up?"

"Can I be your boyfriend?"

I snort," Interesting phrasing but yes."

A smile pulls onto his mouth and he pulls me in for a kiss. It's soft and sweet and not like the hurried ones from before. I melt into him and hum in delight as I pull away. He kisses my forehead," Are you ready to sleep?"

I nod and he turns off the light, letting me lay on him. This was a great trip and I'm glad I went on it.


We arrived back home with multiple bags in hand. Jason tried grabbing them from me but I rush into my house with him chasing after me instead. He finally catches up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck. I giggle, setting the bags down and turning in his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck and he kisses me gently. 

"Woah, you two seemed to have an eventful weekend," Mom's voice makes us break apart and she laughs," You really think I didn't see this coming? I bet money with your mom and now she owes me $100."

I scoff," You bet on us?"

"We've bet on you multiple times," Dad walks in and wraps a hand around my mother's waist," I'm glad you've finally come to your senses and started dating. We've only been waiting five years."

I roll my eyes," I just figured out my feelings a month ago. Leave me alone."

"I've known since I was 13," Jason smiles down at me. 

"Jesus Christ," I rub a hand down my face laughing," Aaron was right."

"Aaron was right about what?" Jason pokes me in the side a couple of times. 

I slap his hand away," Don't worry about it," I turn back to my parents who are both smiling at us," We're going to head up to my room."

"Leave the door open," Dad calls after us. 

I pause at the stares and my mom amends," He's joking just be responsible."

I grimace and walk up the stairs with Jason following behind me. Now I have the feeling that he's looking at my ass and I don't have a problem with it. Jason flops onto my bed and I'm fast to crawl into his lap. His hands fall to my waist and he leans up to kiss my neck, slowly. I dive my hand into his hair and pull slightly. He lets out a slight groan. 

"Jay," My voice is rough," You can't leave any more marks or my coach will kill me."

He sighs," Fine," He pulls my chin down and kisses me lightly," But only because I know how much skating means to you."

I smile against his lips and move to kiss his neck," Doesn't mean I can't leave something on you."

His hands are fast to dive into my hair. I hum in approval and he lays back, taking me with him. I let out a giggle. Any moment with him will be the happiest moment of my life.

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