Chapter 15

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Ashton's heart leaped as Nicole hit the floor. He froze. Then he flooded with anger. His lip curled up in a snarl at his dad. It didn't give him any satisfaction to see blood dripping from Clive's mouth. He saw the gun in his hand that he'd used to hit Nicole, and that was what his gaze focused on.

Get the gun away from him.

Protect Nicole.

Mason clamped a hand on his shoulder before he could move. He looked over. Mason's eyes were big, but he hadn't taken his gaze off Clive. Ashton looked back and noticed that he stared down at the girl on the floor, disgust on his face. When he looked up his eyes widened. "Mason! What are you doing here with him?" He sneered, as if mentioning his son left a bad taste in his mouth.

Ashton fought down his anger and tried to control himself. "I was outside. He mentioned you were in here 'questioning' Nikki and he tried to stop me from coming in here." Mason nodded, keeping his wide eyes on Nicole, who was beginning to stir.

Clive nodded slowly, narrowed eyes bouncing between Ashton and Mason. "Mason, for that, I, uh, will dock your pay. A hundred dollars."

Mason swallowed, but nodded. "Okay, sir. I'll do better next time."

Clive nodded and sighed. "Well, she's not cooperating. I don't think she really knows anything. Take her home."

"Yes, sir," Mason said. Ashton bent down and scooped her up. He carried her out to Mason's car. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her cheek on his chest. He smiled a little.

Mason came out a minute later and opened the back door. Ashton sat her inside and slipped into the front seat. Once Mason was in, Ashton said in a low voice, "Thank you for getting me here. It means a lot to both of us."

He only nodded as he started the car. Once they were out on the road they came to a stop sign a block over, out of sight of the station. Mason stopped and didn't move. "I'm so sorry I didn't stay. I couldn't. I wish I had." He shook his head.

Ashton shifted. "Man, we're cool, okay? I mean, you got me here before anything really, really bad happened to her." Mason was quiet. Unlike him. "What's wrong?" He remembered. "If it's the money, I can pay you that hundred. I'm not poor."

Mason shook his head. "It's not that." He stared at his dashboard. Finally he sighed. "Your dad's most likely gonna put me on probation, and you know what that means."

Ashton's blood chilled. No more help. No more leaving the station when they needed him. No more anything from Mason. He'd always be with Clive. "We just can't let that happen."

"What's probation?" Ashton turned and found Nicole looking at him with squinted eyes.

He smiled at her. "It means that he'll just have to follow my dad around full-time. He won't be able to do anything out of Dad's sight, basically."

Her eyes widened. "Wow. You're right. We can't let that happen."

Mason shook his head at them. "Just short of producing the key bit of evidence that proves Ashton is the killer, there's really nothing I can do to completely avoid it happening. Even if I avoid helping you two out in his sight or the sight of the people he's paying off, there's no guarantee." He began driving to the cottage again. "Besides, if I'm not working, that can also be good, right? I mean, I can help out in the field. I can pick locks and all that."

Nicole gave him a half-smile. "You would be awesome in the field, but let's hope you're not getting probated or fired over what happened tonight. We need you in there more than out here. We pretty much have this covered."

He smiled back in the mirror and pulled into her driveway a few minutes later. Ashton thanked him for the ride as he got out. He hurried around the car to open the door for Nicole, then let her lean on him as they walked. He knew she was able to walk without help, but he didn't stop her.

The Woods | Harvey #1Where stories live. Discover now