Chapter 19

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Nicole was due at any moment. Ashton couldn't stop moving. His nerves were getting the better of him. It made no sense: proposing to Nicole scared him more than possibly getting life in jail – or worse – if she didn't succeed in proving his innocence and his dad's guilt. He'd thought nonstop about this day and still hadn't decided if he should light candles or not. Then again, he didn't think he had any. He just shrugged as he stared at the table for probably the millionth time just that day. He'd been looking at it since he got up. The worst was when he couldn't stop looking at it while he made breakfast Ella had to get him to turn off the French toast when it began burning.

He looked at the clock. 11:28. He forced himself to sit down. Only two minutes wasn't long to sit. He could do this. His eyes didn't leave the clock. 11:29. He jumped back up. He couldn't do this. His eyes caught something outside. He looked out. Nicole was coming. Slowly, but she was on her way. He sat back down fast and smoothed his hair down.

She knocked before letting herself in. When she entered the kitchen, he grinned at her, relieved. She returned the smile as he stood and hugged her. "Right on time," he said into her hair. He pulled back and led her to the table. "Have a seat." He pulled out her chair for her. Once she was seated, he sat a perfectly plated bowl of spaghetti – even if he did say so himself – on the table in front of her and one for himself. He walked back over to the counter and got the basket of garlic bread. As he sat, he put it in the middle of the table.

He watched her take it all in. Her eyes then went to him. He had on a button-down shirt over his jeans and sneakers. His hair was slicked back. He swallowed and smiled nervously at her. "What's going on, Ashton?"

Instead of answering, he motioned to the food. "Try it. Tell me what you think." He watched her with a smile.

Skeptical, she didn't push it. She picked up her fork, twirled some of the noodles and sauce, and ate it. After a moment she grinned and gave him a thumbs-up. "This is really good. You made this?"

He grinned. "I did. Here, try the garlic bread." He nudged the basket towards her. She took a piece and bit into it. "Good?"

"Delicious. You made this, too?"

He snickered. "No, I went outside and pulled it off the tree.: She rolled her eyes, just making him chuckle. "No, I bought it. I can't make it, but I just thought it goes with spaghetti."

She watched him carefully for a moment as he twirled noodles onto his fork. "Why cook for me?"

He shrugged, not meeting her eyes. "It's your favorite, isn't it?"

"One of them, yeah, but still."

He wasn't ready. He'd hoped they'd get through lunch before he did anything. Though, even he had to admit it was suspect. "I wanted to do something special today." He looked up at her. She was eating and watching him. "You'll see after we eat." He smiled at her and reached across the table to touch her hand. She nodded.

It didn't take long for them to finish their food. Ashton wiped his hands on his jeans under the table as he tried to remember what it was he wanted to say. He stood, digging in his pocket. He pulled out a piece of paper and placed it in her hand. "That's my letter. I finished it last night. Don't read it now. Read it later. After. You'll need it." He met her eyes, willing her to understand how much he wanted to make her feel better, whether she wanted him to or not. He didn't think she understood, but she would soon enough.

She stood and stuffed it into her pocket. Before she could sit back down, he took her hands. "What is it? You're acting really weird, Ash."

He smiled at her. "Sorry. I'm just . . ." He trailed off and cleared his throat. "Um, remember when we met here last year?"

She nodded, laughing a little. "Yeah. I remember. I was a little intimidated at first because you weren't exactly friendly when you walked in."

He laughed a little, too, remembering. "Oh, yeah. Sorry. Anyway, I saw you that day, and I was so glad you weren't like everyone else. All the other people that have been here either avoid me or act scared when I run into them. You were different." He shook his head. "You're amazing." He gave her a shy smile. "Ever since, I've been thinking more and more about you." He paused, trying to gauge her response.

She was smiling. Her eyes looked hopeful. Her head tilted a little bit. She nodded for him to go on.

He took a breath and began. "Do you remember when I said I would only kiss a girl if I were engaged to her?" She nodded, blushing. "I haven't stopped thinking about that." He stepped closer. She looked up at him expectantly. "I've been thinking about how I'd hate to have a future without you in it. I told as much to your dad." He glanced away, but quickly looked back into her eyes. Tears began to pool there. He was on the verge of having the same thing happen if he kept looking in them.

Clearing his throat, he dropped her hand and reached into his pocket, taking out the ring that had been poking him the entire time he was sitting. She didn't look down. "Nicole, I don't want to imagine being without you. I want to make sure that doesn't happen." She sucked in a breath as he lowered onto one knee. He looked up at her and held up the ring. It was a 1 carat diamond surrounded by emeralds set in yellow gold. "Nicole Downs, will you marry me?"

Her hands flew to her face. For a long moment she just stared as tears leaked out. Finally, she nodded. "Yes," she managed. "Yes, I will." He was so stunned and happy that for a brief moment he didn't know what to do. As relief flooded him, he jumped up and crushed her in a hug. It took a minute to realize he hadn't put the ring on her. He pulled away and swallowed as he took her hand. It fit her nicely.

When he looked up, she was looking at his mouth. He stepped closer and brushed her hair from her face. He grinned. He couldn't help himself. His nose nuzzled hers. He stopped smiling, brushing his lips on hers. It sent a thrill through him. But before he could kiss her, the door burst open. He jumped back, almost guiltily, even though what they were doing was perfectly fine.

He recognized the man standing there. "Gary?" He was puzzled for a moment, unsure why he was there. But the truth hit him and suddenly he felt all the air in his chest leave. He was being arrested. Norman came from the hallway, swinging handcuffs around his finger. "Norman? Hey." He smiled at them. His smile was the complete opposite of how he felt.

Gary nodded at him. "Man, why did you do it?"

"I didn't." Ashton's voice was low, nearly a growl. Maybe it was having Nicole so close, maybe it was the ring he'd place on her hand, or maybe the glass of wine from the bottle he stole from home when he brought Ella back that he'd had earlier. Whatever it was, he was suddenly madder than he'd ever been over this mess.

Norman came up and took one of Ashton's wrists. He knew better than to fight, so he didn't. "Do you know your rights?"

Ashton snarled this time. "Sick, Norman Bates." That's what he'd called him behind his back.

"Ooh, harsh. Say 'em." He kept his mouth shut. He was only glad he wasn't Nicole at the moment. He hissed as Norman made the cuffs too tight and they bit into his skin. "You're under arrest, Romeo. Why are you under arrest?"

"That's not the way this works, and you know it. You're supposed to tell me why I'm under arrest and tell me my rights. It's the law. You're liable if you don't." He glanced over at Nicole. What he saw made him look away. Anger. Pain. Fear.

"Whatever." He cuffed the other arm, making it bite into his flesh too, and shoved Ashton out the door. "You're under arrest for the murder of Taylor Hebert. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can't afford one, the state will appoint one to you." He put his mouth close to Ashton's ear. "But we all know you can, but you won't."  

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