ii. dark blood

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y/n's pov:

the day went in a haste. the final bell rang and it was a cue for many kids to sprint off from their respective classrooms. I packed my stuff and left my classroom as well.

just like a typical simp, my eyes wandered off through my surroundings to find the one and only lee heeseung but no luck.

feeling defeated yet again, I walked and walked until I was in the school's outdoor campus. walking with my head lowered I kept kicking a pebble which accompanied me throughout my walk.

I was walking pass the ground towards the gate and that's when I heard a bunch of familiar voices, yelling. my eyes shot up to the direction where I could hear the voices which lead my eyes to the football ground.

I could see the 01z's and a couple of more kids looking at my direction. my breath got stuck in my throat as I saw heeseung staring at me as well and that's what led me to turn a blind eye to something which was kicked towards me.

it felt just like a movie scene but slowed. the chaos around me got silenced. people started walking slower than usual and it felt like it was just heeseung and I, staring at each other, making eye contact for a very long time you could say until..


I could feel something very hard meeting with my face hardly. like veryvery hardly which made me feel dizzy and made me loose my balance as well.

just like a movie, did I expected someone to catch me in their arms before I fell? yes.
did something like that happened? NO.

this incident surely entered my "top embarrassing moments" because my back was met with the hard ground and I was left holding my face and yelping.

soon enough the kids passing by gathered around my yelping figure and instead of helping me they started shooting me with their phones and more importantly they laughed and kept laughing.

the GREAT football players of the school came up to my lying figure before I can process anything more. I helped myself to open my scrunched up eyes and that's when I saw heeseung standing at the front of the ground.

there's no time for crying now. I thought to myself as I got up in a haste without anyone's help. I ran a hand through my hair, dusted off my uniform to make myself look humanly after the incident where my face was almost shattered into pieces.

"hee–" I couldn't even start what I was going to say as I got cut off.

"ahh.. I just got to pumped up to win, what a shot tho haha... I didn't meant to hit you though, I am sorry"  he said, looking proud of his shot as if it was a huge achievement.

"you don't need to apologise, I know that you wouldn't do it on purpose"  I tried to smile off the aching in my nose.

"hey, class president are you fine? you are bleeding" I could hear someone in the crowd say despite the loud muttering of the others.

"w-what–" I managed to murmure as it didn't even take a second for both of my hands to run through my face and I stopped. stopped when my hand reached the spot below my nostrils and upper lips.

I lightly touched the cold liquid I could feel and saw what I didn't wanted to see. a dark shade of red, the colour I absolutely despised. and blood, the thing I absolutely dreaded.

it felt like the ground slurped away all the energy from my legs as they started to shake. I gulped hard and looked through the crowd to see different kinds of faces with different kinds of reactions plastered on them.

my head started to spin, the voices became faint, my vision got blur. no no no. I just cannot let heeseung see me like this. no I can't.

gathering up the leftover strength my eyes met his for the last time before I pushed through the crowd and ran out of the gate which lead people talking behind.

y/n was definitely not aware of her surroundings as she failed to notice that one person watching all the things unfolding with a set of worried eyes, standing near the gate. his eyes following y/n's  figure and her every move until she sat in her car which drove off soon enough.

"ma'am, are you–" I didn't let the driver finish "just take me h-home"

I took a sip of water to regain myself. took out tissue papers from my bag, to clean myself.

I gulped hard enough to hurt my throat as I took a tissue near my nose. with shaky hands and teary eyes I lightly dabbed the tissue near my nose. retrieving the tissue, I saw it stained red. it made me shake even more.

before I could do anything more, the driver announced that we were home already. and that was my cue to storm out of the car.

I entered the passcode with quivering and sweaty hands and entered the house. I threw my back pack somewhere and ran to the bathroom.

with enough courage mustered up, I saw my reflection in the big and bright mirror. that's when I saw the blood daring to trickle down my nose.

I turned on the tap and soon enough my palms were wet. like a maniac, I wiped off the blood with my wet hands as soon as I can. I kept wiping, wiping and wiping until there was no blood left to wipe.

the voices told me not to stop. not to stop. and that's what I did. I kept wiping and wiping until the skin near my nostrils and upper lips got sore and my hands felt as if they were about to fall off any second next.

finally, I closed the tap and breathed heavily as I started at myself through the mirror.




and that's when I lost it.

I started screaming, as loudly as I could. screaming and yelping. screamed until it turned into sobs.

I could easily pass an audition for a psychopath.

the embarrassment and the pain were stitched into the sobs and screams which I let out. the show for my toothbrush, toothpaste and shampoo bottles kept on going for about an hour.

an hour later, I was tired. tired of crying actually. so I just stopped and stared at my reflection yet again.

I fixed my posture and tucked strands of my hair behind my ear and smiled widely followed by a huge sigh.

I can do better.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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