10. Meeting Baekhyun

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After seeing their marriage certificates, Taehyung said, "Mr. Jeon I want to talk to you alone."
And how can Jungkook say no to his wifey. He immediately agreed.
They both sit inside the car to talk alone. Jungkook started, "So tell me what you want to talk about Taehyung?"
Taehyung cleared his throat and said, "Mr. Jeon I need some time to shift with you. Maybe 2-3 days. I hope you understand." Then he looked towards Jungkook nervously.

Jungkook slightly smiled and said, "It's alright Tae. I understand. You can take your time and inform me whenever you want to shift with me. I will personally come to take you. And also I have saved my number inside your mobile. You can contact me whenever you want. And lastly you don't have to call me Mr. Jeon, you can call me directly by my name." He told Taehyung.
Taehyung was happy by it. He thought that Jungkook won't agree with him but Jungkook just gave him permission. He is perfect in Taehyung's opinion and maybe he didn't make any mistake by agreeing to Jungkook's option of getting married. He said, "Thanks Mr. Je- I mean Jungkook."

After they finished talking, Jungkook asked Taehyung that where he should drop him. Taehyung told the address of a cafe near Seokjin's house.
Namjoon drove to the address and dropped Taehyung there and Jungkook left for his office.

After reaching Seokjin's house, Taehyung hugged his daughter tightly. Areum also hugged him and said, "Mumma where were you? I was really worried for you. Did some bad uncle caught you mumma? Did someone troubled you?" She started asking question after question.
Taehyung smiled and picked her in his arms. He kissed her cheeks and said, "Your mumma is very strong, baby. No one can trouble him. I am alright."
Areum looked at him with a pout and asked, "Then where were you last night mumma? Why did you came so late? Baby missed you."
Taehyung doesn't know what he should answer. He can't just say that he was with her daddy. He thought and said, "Ah baby actually mumma had a very urgent work so I have to leave without informing you. I am really sorry about it baby."
Areum said, "It's ok mumma. Baby understands that mumma is doing really hard work to earn money."

Taehyung smiled at his daughter and kissed her whole face. His daughter is such a understanding child. When he was of her age, he used to whine in front of his mother to spend time with him but Areum is a very obedient and understanding child. 'Maybe she got all these qualities from her father.' He thought.
He then asked her, "Where is your uncle Jin?"
"I am here." Seokjin came out of the room. He smiled at Taehyung and then enters inside the kitchen to complete his remaining work.
Taehyung told Areum to play with her toys and himself went towards the kitchen to talk to his bestfriend.

He entered the kitchen and saw Seokjin searching something inside the cupboard. He started, "Hyung, I didn't come home last night. Weren't you worried for me?"
"No I was not at all worried for you. You are full of surprises Tae." Seokjin said. Taehyung looked confusedly at him.
"You see by your own eyes." Saying that Seokjin handed him a newspaper.
Taehyung looks towards the news headline on the newspaper. It says, "President of Starlight Entertainment being attacked."
After reading the whole article, Taehyung couldn't stop himself from laughing hard. He didn't expected that after being hit by him with a wine bottle
Chanyeol will be in news headlines.

"Truly speaking I was really worried for you. I couldn't even sleep whole night. I even tried to contact you but your phone was switched off. Maybe it's battery was dead. When you didn't return in the morning, I was planning to file a police complaint but then I read this news in the newspaper and now I have only one thing to say, Well done Tae! I am proud of you."
Taehyung smiled widely and said, "Thanks Hyung." He felt really happy after reading that news article. He felt like it was his first win against his enemies.

Seokjin hit his head and said, "Don't be this happy. What if Chanyeol filled complaint against you and police came here to arrest you?" Seokjin said being really worried for his bestfriend.
Taehyung pouts and rubs the area where Seokjin had just hit him. And then he said, "Complain against me? I was just protecting myself. If he filled a complaint against me then I will also see what he can do? And I know him really well Hyung. He don't have guts to do so." He was not at all afraid about anything. He very well knows that Chanyeol will not dare to do so and even if he did then Taehyung is sure that his powerful husband, Jeon Jungkook can easily protect him. Now that he is married to the Korea's most powerful man he don't need to be scared of others. He knows that people like Chanyeol and Baekhyun can do nothing against him now.

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