Chapter 78 : Birthday

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Raven's P.O.V.

"Spill the tea, Sis" I told her holding her arms, with excitement.

Pari blushed.

I squealed.

"Did you guys kiss ?" I asked her practically jumping on my place.

"Rav, No" She whinned.

"What ? Why ?" I frowned.

"Rav, shut up" Pari scolded me.

"Ok, then tell me everything" I told her excitedly.

"He proposed me" She said with sparkling eyes, showing her left hand.

I looked at the ring on her ring finger and I gasped.

My eyes widened.


"IVAN PROPOSED YOU" I yelled in excitement and immediately her face turns red.

"Rav shut up" She scolded me but smile tries to fight from her lips.

"Oh My God, I am so happyyy" I squealed excitedly.

"Rav calm down" Pari chuckled.

"And then what happened ?" I asked her curiously.

"And then we ate icecream and return to our home" Pari grinned remembering those moments.

I grinned.

"What are you both gossiping ?"

Ivan came towards us and sat between us, even if there is not at all space between me and Pari.

"Ivan, sit somewhere else" I groaned.

"Nope" He said making himself comfortable almost keeping his all weight on us.

"Ivan what the fuck-" Pari said hiting him on his shoulder.

I leaned forward and pulled his hair.

"AHHHH, LEAVE ME BITCH" He said pushing me.

I glared at him.

He smiled innocently.

I huffed and was going to stand up when he pulled me and kept his hand on my shoulder, tightly holding me in my place.

He turned towards Pari, who in response glared at him.

"Ivannn-" He interrupted her by saying "You are looking cute when you are irritated"

She narrowed her eyes at him.

I was continuously hitting his hand to free me, trying my best struggling out of his grip but he had an iron grip on me. He didn't even budge.

"I am not going to melt by that, Ivan" She looked at him in disbelief.

"I don't want you to melt, Darling, you are not a candle" He winked at her.

"That's bad Ivan" She told him seriously.

"What ?" He frowned.

"Your joke" She replied.

"You-" He said and pulled her towards him by her shoulder with his another hand.

Unlike me, she didn't struggle. She made herself comfortable and kept her head on his chest. He started caressing her hair and they both continue watching T.V.

While on otherside, I decided to bite him on his hand. So, I did.

"Oww-" He shrieked glaring at me.

I smirked and before I could run towards my room, he again pulled me towards him.

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