Bonus 2 : Pure Friendships

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A 6 year old girl is sitting on swing staring at the space.

Her eyes are on the two children playing together. One boy and one girl. She nibbles on her lips thinking something. She came towards them.

"Can I play with you ?"

That boy and girl looked at her.

They stared at her.

"NO" That girl immediately said.

"No, you are badluck. My Mom told me to stay away from you. Because of you, your brothers left. So, you can't play with us" Boy said shaking his head.

That 6 year old girl looks down with tears brimming her eyes.

"Go away" Girl said glaring at her.

She nodded and left from there.

She sat on the bench watching all the children playing with their friends or their siblings with sad eyes.

"R-Ryder, Ryan, please come soon. I am alone" She whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks.

She wiped it and sat there.

Her eyes caught two boys of her age sitting on one side of the garden silently. She frowned her eyebrows.

All kids in park are happy then why they both are sad ?


She looked at her Mom who just came to the park.

"Let's go, Baby, it's getting dark"

"Mhm" She nodded getting up. Ruby holds her hands and they walked to the gate. Raven turned back to look at those boys again.

Next Day ...

(In school)

Raven is sitting on her bench alone.

She kept zoning out.


She flinched slightly, snapping her head towards her Teacher.

"What are you thinking ? You are not at all attentive." Her teacher scolded her.

She nodded, apologising.

"Madam, she is not good" One of the girl from first bench said.

"Yes Madam, she is badluck" A boy from beside her said pointing at Raven, who just looked down ashamed.

"My Mamma said she is b-brat" Another girl said thinking what her Mom exactly told her.

"Madam what is brat ?"

"Brat means Naughty and bad children, right madam ?"

"That means Raven is also a naughty"

"And bad too"

"My Sister told me to stay away from bad students"

"My Mom said that too"

"Then, we should stay away from her"

"KEEP SILENCE" That teacher shouted making class silent as she stared at the girl sadly, who is just looking down continuously.

Raven's eyes watered. She doesn't want to cry in front of her class. But, she can't control herself so she just ran away from the class ignoring teacher's yell for her.

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