A Strange Encounter in A Somewhat Normal Life

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A teenage boy named Y/N wakes up because of the sound of a big object slamming against one of the walls, it was coming from the street. He rolled his eyes and sighed in annoyance; couldn't they stop making loud noises for five minutes?

He went out of his bed and looked outside the window, a devil that had the appearance of a tree was fighting a women devil hunter with short ginger hair, he couldn't see her face, but Y/N could see that she was using a katana to try and slash the devil, which didn't do much apparently. 

"I wondered why they put the price for the apartment for so low.... That's the reason..." the teenage boy said with a bored look on his face.

He looked at the clock that showed to him that it was five in the morning. He walked away from the window and towards the fridge that was near the bed, he opened it, and took a bit of bread and a jar of jam that was nearly empty.

Y/N walked towards the table with all he needed to make his breakfast. He put the bread on the table, then opened the jar of jam easily and finally spread the jam on the bread. 

After eating his breakfast, he changed from his sleeping clothes to his work clothes and exited his small apartment and the building entirely. "Another day, another pay, as they would say..." Y/N said while trying to avoid the fight that was happening near his living place.

"Fuck, where's the cafe again?" he murmured under his breath. He walked forward for a long time before finally reaching the cafe. Y/N entered it and was greeted by his manager, Mr. Fumoto, who was smiling at him while cleaning an empty glass. "You got lost again, haven't you, Y/N?" the young adult asked, still baring his caring smile.

"Yeah... I have problems remembering it the way here, sorry..." the black-haired boy replied, feeling a bit ashamed. "Oh, don't worry too much about it, you're usually the first employee to show up" continued Mr. Fumoto while chuckling a bit, "Yeah that's because of those pesky dev-" before Y/N could finish talking, an old man entered the cafe, he looked a bit shady, but nothing out of the ordinary.

He sat on one of the chairs far away from the entrance door. Y/N approached the guy, trying to ask what he wants to order but was shut up by the old man, he seemed in a rush. "Little guy, sit down with me here." Asked the shady man, pointing towards the chair in front of him. 

Y/N sat down with apprehension, "Um... What can I do for you sir?" he asked, trying to avoid his empty eyes. "Don't try to play dumb with me kid, I know that you know who I am, your eyes tell me everything I need to know" continued the old man, it seemed like Y/N get out of this situation.

"What am I supposed to do against a fucking Yakuza?!" he though, avoiding eye contact as much as he could, which made him even more suspicious. "I need another devil hunter, and your eyes makes it obvious that you are perfect for this job" "I got a kid, he's good at his job but he can leave quite a mess when killing a devil, and that's not good for business, you know?" 

The old man waved at Mr. Fumoto, asking him to bring both him and Y/N a black coffee and a coffee with milk in it.

"So? What do ya say? If you want to know, I'll pay you good if you do your job correctly, you know?" finished the old man, then after that, he became completely silent, waiting for Y/N's answer. 

The coffees arrived a few moments later, even though Mr. Fumoto didn't know what was going on, he knew that if he didn't do exactly as the old man said, then bad things would go down.

"Is this a good idea? What would change if I accept? I know I can't say no to him, but I'm not sure if I can do that either..." the teenage boy thought, looking down on his coffee, trying to find some sort of answer in it. "I accept to do this job, but uh... could you tell me where and when I start?" Y/N asked the Yakuza, this time, looking directly into his eyes.

The old man chuckled a bit, "In under a week, you won't need to search for us, since we'll be the one who knocks at your door". This sent a shiver down Y/N's spine since it meant that if he refused, he would be on a time limit before death come get him.

The old Yakuza finished his black coffee and left, leaving Y/N completely frightened, he wanted to live a quiet life, away from the devils, at least as much as he could, but now he was obliged to do it because if he didn't, he would be dead.

He was startled by Mr. Fumoto's hand, touching his shoulder, trying to get his attention and calm him down. "Man... I'm fucked" were the first words Y/N spoke after a few minutes of complete silence. "He's a Yakuza, right? What did he want from you?" Mr. Fumoto asked, trying to get answers from Y/N

Y/N was shaking a lot with a scared expression on his face, his skin was extremely cold. This reminded Mr.Fumoto of a memory from 3-4 years ago.

"Hey kid? What are doing on the streets?" a younger Fumoto asked, umbrella in hand. Lots of droplets of water was pouring down on the boy's body. He was shaking from both fear and coldness. "You don't have parents, don't you?" he continued, crouching towards the shaking boy.

"Hey, if you want, you can come with me if you want, I own a café nearby, you can refuge inside until the rain stops, then you can go back to your parents, okay?" Mr. Fumoto said with a warm smile...

"He wanted to hire me as a sort of private devil hunter, don't worry, I won't quit this job, but I'll be a bit more late than usual, that's all..." Y/N murmured, trying to reassure the worried adult on his right that he would be fine.

"Devil hunting is a hard job, if you need anything, like money for weapons, or things like that, then just call me, okay?" the young adult said, still worried that something bad will happen to the black-haired teen. "Thanks..."

The day continued, customers came in, ordered and left, one after the other, until night came around. Y/N left the café and decide to not go back to his apartment, but to walk around the streets, thinking about what kind of mess he was in, right now. The streets were scarier at night, because it was easier for devils to attack you without you knowing.

He arrived at a sort of abandoned building. Y/N decided to go in there because he heard someone walking inside of it. It was even darker inside the building then outside, which made it even harder to not walk on the shards of broken glass that were on the floor. 

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