The First Domino fell

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Y/N looked around, he could feel like someone was watching him, but he didn't know what was watching him and from where it was watching. He continued walking forward until he faced a dilemma as he saw a sort of trail of blood going up the stairs. 

Either he walked out of the building and never found out about what happened, or walk up the stairs and find out, for better or worse. 

Y/N decided to take the second option as someone could've got hurt and need assistance. He would feel guilty if someone died because he did nothing, since he could've helped them.

He walked up the stairs and stepped onto the first floor. He now could see the smell of blood coming from the other side of the room. He gulped, "What if they are already dead?" thought Y/N, "What if it was a-"

Suddenly, he heard someone running towards him. He turned around and got stabbed in the left eye by a pointy and sharp object, probably a knife. "What the-?!" before Y/N could scream even more, he was stabbed another time, but this time, it was not the eye, but rather in the heart. 

Y/N clutched his chest with his left hand, trying desperately to stop the blood, however, it had no effect at all. He decided looked at the face of his assailant, and his eyes widen as he saw his, or rather, its face.

It was a fiend, the Cockroach Fiend to be more precise. It had black dots for eyes and huge antennas coming out of its head. "Damn, I'm super lucky today! I killed two guys in under a few minutes! Speedrun!" it said joyfully, turning his back at the dying teenager.

Y/N could feel his body become colder and colder as he starts to lose more blood. If he had to go down like this, he needed to do at least one thing before it all ended...

The black-haired boy ran towards the fiend, closing his fist, and smacked its face with the last bit of strength he had in his body, he smirked, "How'd you like that bit- ARGH!" Y/N was interrupted by the fiend that kicked him in the guts. "You're a stupid one, aren't cha?" it said, looking down on the boy who's on the floor, nearly unconscious and dead.

"All you do is bark like a chihuahua, and just like them, you're fucking weak! Should've expected it from a worthless human such as you." It said, a bit louder, thinking that he was still listening, but in reality, Y/N was dead by the time that the fiend started yelling at him.

It was a miracle that he lasts this long while being pierced in the heart by a knife, it was unnatural even. His eyes, cold and empty, there were no life left in them. His clothes were drenched in blood. The fiend, still enraged, tore Y/N's right arm off and drank a bit of his blood.

It was dark, but Y/N could sense that he was in a sort of little room, his vision was blurred so he couldn't see his surroundings quite well. He tried to stand up but ultimately fell on the floor every time he tried to do so.

He could hear footsteps slowly coming towards him, or at least, he thought so. It echoed through the room he was in, stopping him from knowing where the footsteps came from. "Am I dead?" Y/N asked himself, putting his left hand on his chest, trying to feel if his heart was still beating, and as he thought, it wasn't beating even one time.

An Observer from Hell (Chainsaw Man x Male Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now