Chapter 7

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On yet another one of the most pivotal mornings of his life, Prince Choi Beomgyu of the Kingdom of the Earth woke up to knocking so loud that he briefly thought he was having deja vu. But when he opened his eyes, the clay ceiling of his room in the Dragon Kingdom greeted him, and he let out a loud sigh as the banging continued. "Taehyun! Can you get the door?"

"Can you come do it? I'm not wearing any clothes!" Taehyun called back, and Beomgyu had a brief moment of panic before the memories of last night set in. He sighed, sitting up and ruffling his hair as he trudged over to his door.

Taehyun was wrestling a shirt over his head when Beomgyu came in, and he let out a frustrated sigh as the banging continued. Beomgyu averted his eyes. "I told you I'll be there in a minute!" he yelled to whoever was behind the door.

Sighing again, Beomgyu cracked the door open only to hear Kai saying "but why wouldn't he be wearing- oh, hi, Prince Beomgyu!"

Since it was someone he knew, Beomgyu opened the door a little bit further, slipping out in front of it so he could give Taehyun some privacy. "Hi. And no offense, but what the fuck. Is this how you usually wake him up?" He glanced up only to see a girl that he didn't recognize staring blatantly at him, open-mouthed. "Um... hello to you too?"

The girl snapped out of it, grinning. "Hi. I'm Yuna." She gave no other explanation for her presence, but Beomgyu was so tired that he took it as a valid response.

Kai glanced furtively behind Beomgyu at the cracked door. "To answer your question... no, this isn't how I usually wake him up. But usually his door isn't locked." He lowered his voice, leaning in. "Say, do you know if you heard his highness sneaking out last night? A palace guard came in swearing he and his buddies saw him running around. Queen Sohee wanted me to wake him and ask."

Beomgyu tried his best to stay nonchalant. "Oh, no. He was definitely here all night, I would've noticed if he left."

"Uh huh." Kai said. Beomgyu, still exhausted, connected the dots at the same time as him. Locked door... Taehyun not wearing clothes... Beomgyu knowing he'd been in his room all night... Kai's gaze drifted to his neck, and his eyes widened. You could almost see the light bulb appear above his head. " Oh . Oh! Oh, okay, you guys... so he definitely didn't leave. Yeah, okay, I got it! I'll tell the queen!"

"Wait, oh my god. Kai. No. This is not what it looks like. We didn't... no. No."

Kai gave him a sympathetic look. "Prince Beomgyu, you might want to look at your neck." Yuna, who'd been beaming the whole time, helpfully presented a compact mirror from her pocket.

Beomgyu cursed when he saw the large and very obvious hickey right in the place that Taehyun had bitten him last night in the alley. That bastard. "I can explain." Kai raised his eyebrows and waited while Beomgyu struggled to come up with an explanation that wasn't "we snuck out" or "we banged." After a few seconds, he sighed, defeated. "Okay, no I can't. But we didn't... do that, I swear. Seriously."

Smiling, Kai patted his shoulder. "Don't worry, Prince Beomgyu. Your secret's safe with me! Maybe not Yuna, though. Have a good rest of your morning." He and Yuna skipped off arm in arm, leaving Beomgyu standing dumbstruck in front of the doors. Well, shit. That'd taken a turn.

"Who was it? What'd they say?" Taehyun asked when Beomgyu came back in and shut the doors behind him. He'd gotten dressed relatively quickly and was currently working on untangling his hair with a brush, frowning at himself in the mirror.

Beomgyu resisted the urge to bang his head on the wall. "Do you want the good news or the bad news first?"

Stiffening up, Taehyun glanced over. "Uh, good?"

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