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"I am sorry but i just wanted to call you."

I knew the person on the phone could sense my worry as my breathing was uneven.

"Giana? What's wrong? Is everything alright?"

"I'm sorry I interrupted you at this time."

It was none other than Joseph. When she was at school, he was the headboy. They were now the closest of friends. He was one of the select few who had complete knowledge of Giana's past. He constantly made an effort to encourage her and support her in any way he could.

"Oh Giana, come on! Please explain what's wrong."

"Can you meet me at xxxx park?"

"Yeah, certainly. I'll be there in a half-hour. You're good, right?"

"We'll discuss it later," That was the only thing I could think of to say at the time.

I sprang out of bed fast and entered the bathroom. It seems nearly impossible for me to leave the house without telling anybody, but I must. After dressing, I hurried downstairs while cautiously scanning the area to see if anyone was awake. I was unable to discover anyone but a few maids.

My personal bodyguard asked, "Ma'am, where are you going?"

I honestly have no idea why I would require a bodyguard. My father claims it's for my safety, but I can defend myself. I possess more abilities than this inept bodyguard.

"only for a walk." I attempted to go quickly, but he again cut me off."All right, ma'am, I'll go with you."

"I can go alone, so please, for the love of God, leave me alone."

"Sorry, ma'am, but I can't let you go by yourself. I have a responsibility to you."

"You see, it's only a 10-minute walk to the park. Let me leave. If I need assistance, I'll call."

"But, Ma'am?"

I realised if i wanted to avoid this dispute, i had to demonstrate my authority by saying, "that's my order."

I had to meet Joseph, and I had to do it by myself, without anybody else. I had to talk to someone about my feelings, and he was the only one. I could have informed my brothers, but I feel like I should tackle this on my own. I don't want any misunderstandings with my family members since everything I say might have a big influence.

"O-Okay ma'am."

thank god he agreed.

time skip 

I was anticipating Joseph's arrival. I continued to check my watch. I suddenly noticed someone coming my way. Joseph was sprinting in my direction while exhaling forcefully. I regret bothering him.

"ARE YOU OKAY?" He gripped my shoulders as he looked over my entire body with sincere worry in his eyes.

"I-I'm good, I guess,"

"I guess, what do you mean?"

"slow down! Let's discuss it in person."

As we both sat down on the seat, he firmly clutched my hands.

"Is it happening yet again?"


He was aware of the strange dreams I had been experiencing, but the one I experienced today was much different. I had never experienced a dream about a previous life.

I would frequently see large crowds of people gathered around me, yelling, "You murdered him! You murdered everybody!"

"same dream once more? Giana, have you stopped taking your medications?"

"This time, the dream was different."

"What exactly was it?"

As I struggled to recollect my dream, which had grown somewhat hazy, my breathing became more laboured.

"It's OK! Giana, don't push yourself."

I felt better when he patted me on the back. I inhaled deeply and began giving him every aspect of the dream I could recall. His look changed from anxious to serious as I watched it. He continued to firmly grip my hand as he carefully listened to all I said.

"Are you certain? Is this dream real?

"i don't know, Joseph. how is that even possible? i have always been confused that how no one talked about Robert's child or marriage even after so many years. this is so weird. i don't even know if all what i am dreaming is true or just weird dreams." 

I'm also a little lost on it. It's difficult to fully understand how Robert managed to keep his entire family a secret from his parents and real brother. That is not feasible.

"My mind is all messed up right now." I have the impression that I am hallucinating."

"slow down. Stress will not make matters better. wait! What about speaking to one of your brothers?"

"i can't! What shall I say? They will just advise me to take my medications. They won't all accept it. Additionally, everything seemed to have altered since Valentina came."

"What do you mean?"

"Both of them will remain here from now on"

"Aren't you happy?"

"Yes, I am, but."

"What's the matter?"

"I sense something is off about her coming back here,"

"you are just stressing out Giana. It's not like that at all. I have observed that she cares about you. She looks after you like a little sister."

I remained silent and only nodded. How am I going to communicate how I feel? I have a peculiar internal sensation of betrayal, for no apparent reason.

He held my hands tightly and whispered, "see, I am here for you. I'm always around. I really do, Giana.

I returned the smile. I had him, I knew. He would never abandon me, I believed. We are close friends. we really are.

To be continued

A small update
Sorry for being inactive for such a long time. I am extremely busy but decided to give you some update on this book

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Lots of love ❤🐰

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