Chapter I

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Yeah, right...

October 4, 2013
In the coldest of night, wind blowing. It felt like someone left the freezer open all night. A teenage girl named Stephany had just moved into a new house with her family. No blankets, no pillows. Just the itchy, dirty, carpet to sleep on, why you may ask? They didn't expect to move till Oct. 9, so everything was in storage. Luckily, Stephany's Father knew the previous owner, he asked if they had any blankets to spare. The previous owner was a sweet old lady, rich family, but humble from what they've seen. Her name was Elizama, she was a Christian pastor and missionary. Elizama, said yes she did have some to spare, just to drop on by to pick them. Stephany propped on her sweatshirt and headed down the street with her father.
Fernando (Stephany's Father): So glad she has blankets to spare. It's a really cold night. They have a son your age you know? Maybe he can help you make friends.
Stephany: yeah, but I just don't feel right. Like I don't know them, you know? And ha-ha don't make laugh.
Fernando: We'll be alright, don't worry. (Rings door bell)
Elizama: Oh why, come in, come in!
They walk in, Elizama approached stephany with a hug. and Stephany felt weird at first, but then she sees the son her dad told her about. Also his twin sister. Stephany tried to make a conversation with the son.
Abraham: hey, I'm Abraham.
Stephany: oh hey there, I'm stephany nice to.... (stops conversation)
Abraham: huh yeah. (Looking at his phone)
Elie: Hi I'm Elie, nice to meet you.
Stephany: oh Hey 'sup? (Staring at Abraham)
Elie: Just ignore him, he's like that.
Stephany: well that's rude...
Elie: what's your goal in life so far?
Stephany: Um, well I have a high chance of going into the military.
Elie: OMG?! Are you crazy? Look Abraham she wants to do what you want to do too!
Abraham: (scoffs lightly) eh, that's cool, I guess.
Stephany: (rolls her eyes and thought; wow Spoiled rich boy right here) No I'm not crazy, I know what I'm capable of and I want to push it to the Max.

Stephany and Elie have a conversation that lasted only 10 mins but it felt like a year for Steph. Note; Steph is more tomboyish, quiet, and prefers playing in mud than hanging around make up, malls, and shoes. Elie on the other hand is the complete opposite.

The time came to go back up and go to sleep. Stephany and her father thanked Elizama for the blankets. When they got up the hill where the new house is. Her parents kept asking if steph liked Abraham. She scoffed "yeah right, spoiled rich boy! No thanks!."

Chapter II To come later. Thanks for reading so far.

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