~Beware The Beast From Below -2~

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We make it to what looks like one of the old Crystal Cove caves. We walk in, Fred holding one flashlight, with one in his pocket as we look around. Our gaze lands on some old metal barrels with a wooden sign hanging above.

We get closer and Velma kneels down to inspect the barrels. "These are military. From the oxidation, probably 30, 40 years old." I grab the other flashlight my brother has and grab Daphne to go explore a little bit. As we scan the area, the light catches something shiny on the cave floor.

"Hey. Fred, we found something." Daphne hollers as we walk up and pick up the shiny object. It's a locket. Daphne opens it and music plays. She hands me the locket as Fred walks over.

"Hmm, could be a clue. Good work, guys." Fred says looking at the locket over my shoulder. I close it and put it in my pocket as Daphne becomes lovestruck, giggling as she says, "Thanks, Fred. You're so sweet." She looks back to where Fred was just standing and gasps as she sees his back as he walks away. "It's ok, we can talk later," she says a little sad.

I rub her back, as we look at the locket again and then begin investigating some more. Scooby comes sniffing over where we were and Shaggy finds a hard hat. We all manage to come back together when we hear dripping. I give Fred back the second flashlight Daphne and I borrowed.

It was silent when we walked in.

Scooby looks up, us following suit. Fred's flashlight points up to the ceiling where we see almost dehydrated-looking bodies in what looks like some sort of green jelly casing.

Scooby screams.


Sirens blare as Sheriff Stone and the gang watch two paramedics put one of the bodies on a stretcher. I quickly take a picture for reference, so I can draw it later. I hear Sheriff Stone start speaking as the paramedics walk away.

"Alright, you see what happens when you kids stick your noses where they don't belong?" I roll my eyes and cross my arms, knowing something stupid is going to be said. "People get cocooned!" Sheriff says, pointing to the body, and there it is.

"Like, man, we found them like that." Shaggy says, in rebuttal to Sheriff's accusation of us 'cocooning' the poor men. Daphne tries to explain, "There was a monster--"

Stone cut her off. "Quiet. From this point forward, this is a crime scene and future tourist attraction. Stay out of it." He walks away as Velma walks up. "I've got his stay out of it right here." Velma and I mumble at the same time, the former shaking her fist.

Fred offers to talk to him, and I know that won't go over well so I get close to the driver's door of the Mystery Machine. Daphne tries to defend my brother when she sees him running over with a body.

"Madi, start the car." I do as told, jumping in the front seat and starting the van as Daphne and Velma open the back. Shaggy states, "I thought you were gonna talk to him," while running beside my brother. My brother and I said the same thing. "He wasn't in a listening mood."

"So you stole a body? Rockin'!" Velma praises my brother as they all get in the back and close the door while my brother runs to the passenger side and jumps in. "Don't worry, I know just who can help us," Fred says. I shake my head, knowing exactly who he was talking about.


We make it to the school just as the bell rings. Fred jumps out of the van and opens the back having Shaggy move the cocoon around, and asking Shaggy to help him carry it inside.

We all get out, me locking the van, following after my brother and Shaggy into the school. We all rush down the halls until we make it to the classroom Fred needed. He slams the door open and walks in. "Professor Raffalo, we need your help." my brother says as if they didn't just disrupt his class. The students all screamed and ran out of the classroom once they had seen the body.

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