•Creeping Creatures•

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"I think I've read every magazine in your house," Daphne says. We are all just lounging about as my brother tinkers with his latest addition to the house. I'm on the couch next to Daphne, with Scooby laying on my lap.  I was finishing the sketch of the green cocoon from the last mystery we had solved the other day when I slowly start to doze off but then I hear Fred shout. My body straightens up as I look over to my brother, who is on the floor while Daph glares at him.

"Did you find his magazine?" I asked. Daph nodded as I made eye contact with my brother, "I told you not to leave it out here." 

He ignores me and says, "I, uh I read it for the articles. In fact, it's where I got the idea for this little number." He points to the front door and our heads follow. "Who do you expect to trap outside your front door?" Velma asks. Great point and as soon as she asked that question, somebody sprang the trap after ringing the doorbell.

"Let's find out," my brother says excitedly. I sigh, sometimes he's like a golden retriever.  Suddenly, I feel somebody staring at me and look over to where the feeling is coming from to find Shaggy staring. I tilt my head in a confused manner toward him, but he jumps and looks away. I shrug and ask, " What is it, Fred?" as he sits in the recliner.

Shaggy, being Shaggy says, "Like, um, I think it's a box." I giggle a little bit as Fred opens the box. Velma reaches inside, pulling out a pink note. 

She gasps, "It's from Mr. E!" She opens the note and starts to read it. " Saved this for a rainy day. Enjoy." Daphne then speaks up. "Hmmph, Mr. E gives me the creeps." I nod. "Me and you both, sister."

Fred digs into the box pulling out a purse, after Daph warns him that it could be a bomb. "Ooh, strike that. Cute purse." I roll my eyes, shaking my head. I started dozing off again when I heard the trap go off again.

I get up, undo the trap, hear them all yelp, and walk outside, avoiding the sensor for the trap.  "I guess that tells you not to leave me behind, huh?" I ask, smirking at my brother, who smiles sheepishly.


We make it into Gatorsburg when we come up to a creepy-looking statue. We shut off the Mystery Machine and get out.

"This is what happens when a civilization is founded on an entirely gator-based economy," Velma says. "You mean the gators try to get revenge and eat the villagers and their babies?" I ask, making everyone else shiver. I shrug as my brother speaks up. "Alright gang, let's split up and look for clues."  We all split up when I heard Velma's voice echo. 

"What do you say, Shaggy? Wanna go clue hunting with me?"  I turn to see Velma holding onto his arm, and I see a little bit of panic in Shaggy's eyes, as he turns her and himself around to try and hide them from Scooby.

I shrug and walk over to where Scooby is and stand next to him while he sniffs the statue. I jump when the statue's open mouth slams shut.  All the more reason to believe the gators came back for revenge. Scooby then speaks up, "I didn't touch it."

Shaggy then turns to us. "Like dude, how about we check out Gator Burger?" he asks as he makes eye contact with me. He smiles nervously at me then takes off after his dog.

I shook my head with a smile and walked around, halfway through alleys and behind buildings that had enough space to escape if needed.

I had found some wiring and small light bulbs in a dumpster before I heard Fred yell out.

" Let's go gang, there's nothing to trap here," we all pile back into the Mystery Machine. " Looks like Mr. E sent us on a wild goose chase." 

Shaggy says, "Uh yeah, more like a wild gator chase." I stifle a giggle as the van doesn't start. I sigh, grabbing a flashlight and getting out with Fred.

Daphne asks us what the problem is. "Daph, you see the giant hole there? That should be an engine." I say as another engine roars. We all turn around just to be blinded by headlights coming towards us.

Just as the engine gets turned off, a giant man gets out of the truck and stalks towards us saying, "You kids are in some serious trouble."

The man grabs my brother by his collar and says, "Care to tell me what you're doin' in Gatorsburg?" 

Daphne comes up beside them and says, "Our van broke down," when my brother pipes up, "Maybe you can take a look at it. You look like you got the hands for the job. Hey, what size is your ring finger?" I facepalm and shake my head. Fred, you're smart but you're stupid too. I think as I continue watching this play out.

The man is still in my brother's face. "Why should I help you?"

Velma then says, " Because you're a mechanic?"

The man starts mulling it over in his head when he finally answers. Unfortunately, I am exhausted, and I didn't catch anything he said until we were following him to a hotel. I caught the part when the mechanic had mentioned that the hotel was owned by his sister when I zoned back out.

"And one more thing, no animals allowed in the hotel!" Shaggy and Scooby shared a heartfelt goodnight, and we all went to our rooms. I went to the bed closest to the window and just flat knocked out.


I was woken up being dragged by Daphne. " Daphne? What's going on?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"Gator People!" She shrieks. I shake my head and continue running with her. We get in the van, and I hop in the back with Scooby and lay down as everyone else pushes it.


I feel someone shaking me awake. I open my eyes to see Shaggy smiling. "Hey, we like solved the mystery. Come see." I smile and nod, as Shaggy jumps out of the back of the van. I sit up, stretch, and climb out of the back. I circle the van, to be met with the mechanic, the hotel owner and a boy who looks about our age or older.  "Hey, Mads meet Grady, Greta and Gunther Gator." Daphne says pointing to each one.  

"Let me guess. False advertising, and wanting to keep everyone away so they wouldn't figure out that you guys were make false alligator products?" I say while everyone just stares at me, dumbfounded. I look around. "What? Like visiting an empty creepy town didn't give it away?"

I shake my head and say, "I'm going back to bed. Tonight was exhausting and crazy." I then climb back in the van and lay down for the night. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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