5. Shubham's Punishment

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After their heart to heart, Ruchira actually assigned a task as punishment for Shubham saying he shall complete it at any cost. It will remind him not to make such blunder in far future.

And Shubham being Shubham, tried buttering her up. But when nothing seemed to work, he just sighed and gave in to her order.

He was given the task to make Adaa throw her anger out. She was angry with Shubh because he broke the vase given to kaki sa by her. And also, because he made her chase him earlier. And everyone knows how tough it can get to mend an angry Adaa.

So now, this was his punishment. To make her anger flew away.

And he was sure iske liye usey kayi paapad belne padenge.


"Sorry na Adudii. Just forgive me already. Don't be this petty." Shubh said in a loud voice.

He was in the large reception hall, filled with few people since the reception has just started. The people were coming bit by bit. There was much space and music was also not loud. And Adaa was here, not talking to him at all.

As if she had ought to make him beg her apology.

"Just get lost Shubham." Is all she said and moved out of the hall. Isha was on stage with Lavy and her husband Kartik, being a best friend and collecting all the gifts and lifafas from the guests on the couple's behalf.

"Hey hey. Wait for me PT Usha. Don't run too fast." It was Shubh who was chasing Adaa now.

Just running away, she reached the garden. The Nayak Villa's garden is something to cherish. With gorgeous flowers and plants out there, it even had a beautiful fountain and some carvings. It's too pleasant to be present in such an environment and Adaa is sury a sucker for it.

"Ok.. wait now.. listen to me please." Shubham said while huffing from running all the way from the hall towards the garden behind Adaa.

"What do you want to say?" Adaa asked coldly.
"Just listen me out." Shubham insisted.
"Go ahead." Replied Adaa.
"I was just teasing you. And then you started chasing me." He came a little closer to Adaa.
"And I swear I didn't broke the vase on purpose. You know, it just happened. Plus, even Kaki sa has forgiven me. Why can't you?" He said while reaching a bit more closer to her.

"It's because I gifted the vase to her with so many feelings. And heck, it's not even about the vase. It's about your safety Shubham. Don't you understand you could have been severaly hurt?" She whisper shouted on him. While he just smiled.

So she was concerned about me all the while? He thought.


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