14. Goodbye

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"Thank You very much Isha ji and Adaa ji. I am forever indebted to you both. Whatever you did for me is much more than a stranger like me can expect from." Vedant showed his gratitude to them sincerely.

"Oh come on Bhai. That's no big deal. Plus I like you enough to help you more in future already." Adaa said enthusiastically. Seems like this little bird liked this fellow a little too much.

"And I am sure di likes you too." She said with a wink.

Anyone could tell she was clearly shipping this stranger with her elder sister.

"Stop talking non sense Adaa. Let him go now. I am sure his family must be worried sick for him. Plus it's his father's birthday today, isn't it?" Isha said, reminding Adaa about the main cause Vedant was here at the first place.

"Wait. So did I asking you to stay here ruined your father's birthday celebration? I am extremely sorry bhai, I completely forgot about it." Adaa was genuinely feeling guilty now. She just wanted to help him but turns out, he being stubborn in keeping him here for rest resulted in ruining there private family celebration.

"No. Not at all. How could you think that way. You don't have to be sorry." Vedant started explaining calmly. By now Nishad has already taken the car from the far parking infront of the Malhotra's entrance.

Isha and Adaa's father has left for some urgent work to bank and wouldn't be back till at least an hour.

"I asked Nishad about it the first thing he came here. But he said father isn't even home yet. So guess, there's no celebration at all." He replied with a sad smile.

And both the sisters could tell there's much more to this sentence.

But offcourse, he wouldn't share his personal life with them, now could he.

After that no more words were exchanged. He made his way out and bid him a goodbye.

Only after he left for quite 5 minutes did Adaa said

"Shit. I forgot." This gathered Isha's focus on her.
"I had to ask for his number" she groaned while Isha just rolled her eyes.

"Should have asked before they left. And what's with you being so attached to your so called Bhai already. I mean, I don't even like his that much." Isha said trying to sound nonchalant, which she clearly wasn't.

But Adaa was too busy regretting her forgetfulness to point this out.

"Should we go there sometimes? I mean it's quite famous street in Bikaner and I'm sure if we ask for Mr. Vedant Goyal people could easily tell where they live." Adaa said with an expression as if what she gave was the bestest idea in the world.

Which actually wasn't.

And to Isha she looked like a complete fool.

"Are you completely out of your mind Adaa. No matter how sweet he may look but he's a stranger. Just get your mind straight you idiot. You ain't going anywhere to find them." She said and made her way upstairs to her room.

"Oh and one more thing. Stop giving strangers nicknames like that. You're pretty old for that." Saying this she left.

While Adaa just groaned once more, before her thoughts went towards the little idiot.

Mr. Little cranky Goyal.

Such an idiot he is.

She rolled her eyes and made her way towards her room as well, after checking all the doors and windows' lock.


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