Chapter 10: Twister

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I stand at my locker organising it getting ready for science class when winds speed up making my hair blow.

Where did this come from?

I turn around and see the clouds are darkening and small lightning strikes in the distance. Maybe we're about to get a storm.

I turn around and jump when i see Arlo leaning against the locker next to mine.

"Hi." He smiles.

"Hey." I smile gently.

Arlo's elbow rests on the locker as he lifts his fingers softly playing with my hair.

I scramble through my locker to hide my flaming body. God he makes me weak in the knees.

"What class do we have?" He asks.


"Yay i sit with you in that one."

I smile shaking my head and shutting my locker. His arm wraps around my shoulder as we walk to class.

I love when he has his hands on me. I normally don't like physical touch but from Arlo it's different.

"Do you like cats?"

I nod looking at him.

"Why so quiet today, hm?"

Because you make me so nervous.

"I don't know." I blush.

He just smiles as we walk into class. Everyone looks at us and how his arm is around me.

I feel anxious but then i remember what Arlo said in Miami.

I won't let anything happen. I haven't let anything happen.


While we're watching the science youtube clip on the class tv it begins flashing and comes up with the news.

"There is a tornado incoming, there's no time to run. Stay put. Remember the ca-" The lady on the screen says before she is cutout all the lights flickering and turning off going pitch black.

Everyone in class starts freaking out, as do i.

I look at Arlo as he's looking at me with a smile.

Not the right time Arlo.

"There is no time to get to the safe oval, teachers follow protocol." It announces through the big speakers.

My body begins to shake and my teeth start chattering as anxiety overcomes me.

"Okay everyone please move to the corner of the classroom away from the windows." The teacher points to the left corner of the room.

Everyone slowly stands up.

I look at Arlo as he stays sitting just looking at me.

"Get up, Arlo." I mutter. His eyebrows furrow.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Were you not listening?"

"I got distracted."

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