Chapter 19: Happy

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Me and Arlo are spending the day shopping together and skip school. I wanted to cheer him up. He has been staying at my house and i don't mind at all, neither does my family. They love him. Ella loves him like a brother and it's the sweetest little relationship.

Arlo has his arm wrapped around my shoulder the tips of his fingers resting in the top of my shirt as he softly runs his fingers back and forth.

I spot the bookstore in the distance.

"Can we go to the book shop?" I smile up at Arlo as he's looking straight ahead.

"Of course." He smiles kissing my temple.

As we arrived i walk out Arlo's grip walking quicker excited by the new-book smell. Arlo hooks his finger in the loop of my jeans following behind me.

I begin explaining to him about all the books i have and haven't read.

I scan through the sections looking for more books i want to buy.

I pull them off the shelves as they fill my arms.

"Let me hold them." Arlo says leaning against the book shelf with a small smirk.

"Are you sure?"

He nods putting his arms out to me. I smile placing them carefully in his arms.

He follows me around the store with a smile, not complaining and just happy.

I suddenly stop and turn around to him.

"Are you okay with that?"

He now frowns, "With what, my love."

"Carrying my books. I feel like i'm using you or something."

"Not at all," He leans down giving me a soft kiss. "I love doing things for you that make you happy and it makes me happy."

"You sure?"

"Yes my darling girl, i've always been sure. I love listening to you talk about anything. Books and reading of course."

"Your the bestest." I kiss him again.

"Hm." He softly groans kissing down my neck.

"Arlo," I giggle. "We're in the store."



"Nothing. I just like calling you that." He smiles pulling his head out my neck.

"Me too."


"Your names make me fe-" I shake my head closing my mouth.

"Hey, no, finish."

"Your names make me feel like your girl."

"It's because you are my fucking girl."

"Are you feeling happier?" I ask fiddling with his shirt.

He nods his smile widening, "Always better when i'm with you, mama."

I kiss him again before we go to the cash register to pay for my books.

Arlo dumps them all onto the counter and the lady begin scanning them as i wiggle excitedly.

"Your total is $200."

My eyes widen. I didn't mean to get that many.

I can't even pay before Arlo taps his card and it goes through.

"Arlo." I glare at him. He smiles cheekily taking the bag from the lady and linking our hands walking out as we leave.

I spot a music store across the path and i lead us over there. I know Arlo loves his music.

He smiles as we go in the store. We get to the row of electric guitars and i follow him around as he looks at them all and talks about them like they are his girlfriends. Seriously. He calls them all a she and beautiful.

"Jealous of the guitar?" He smirks looking at me.

"No." I frown.

He rolls his eyes and takes one off the rack and sits on the chair.

"Come sit." He says. I smile sitting on his lap leaning into his chest as he plays random notes on the guitar.

"Your so good."

"That's what she said."

I giggle scruffing his hair.

He leans his head on my shoulder as he plays.

Gosh i love him.

I love how they do eachothers things

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I love how they do eachothers things

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