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I wake up feeling hot and smothered. I peel my eyes open to find my sister on one side wrapped around me and my brothers arm around us both on my other side.

We're all squished on the couch, Grayson's head resting on the back of the couch, snoring loudly and making me smile a bit. Addies head rests on my shoulder, her hands gripping one of mine, even in her sleep.

They haven't let me out of their sight since this morning. Moms snuggled up on the armchair, also asleep and all of our faces are red and puffy, no doubt.

They let me fall apart and helped slowly pick up the pieces again.

I slip out of my siblings hold and stretch my stiff muscles finally deciding to turn my phone on and check back in with the real world.

I see that Xander has texted me every day, updates on my apartment that he's apparently been house sitting and it makes me miss him. I see messages from Gary giving his condolences and I roll my eyes, knowing Xander went above and beyond to get me so many days off.

I open my messages to text Xander back.

Me: wth did you tell Gary?

He responds immediately and it makes me smile some more.

Xander: oh, so my best friend is alive and her thumbs do still work

Me: need I remind you that I am going through a very tough time right now

Xander: yeah, yeah.

Xander: and about Gary, all you need to know is he'll be nice for the next long while, pull a few tears when you go back to work and don't mind when he mentions your Aunt Melissa

Me: you killed off a fake aunt?

Xander: I want the bastard to feel as terrible as he can when you return :)

Me: I love you

Xander: I know

I chuckle and am about to lock my phone again before it starts ringing, my heart rate picking up at his name flashing my screen.

His timing has always been impeccable.

I head towards the back door, quietly exiting the house and rushing over to the hammock, answering the phone.

"Hello" I greet softly.

"Are you okay?" He sounds worried and it makes my stomach flip.

"I've seen better days" I admit.

"Alex told me your siblings showed up"

"You and Xander are friends now?" I ask, shock and amusement lacing my tone.

"Absolutely not" he answers quickly and it makes me laugh.

"God, I love that sound" Adrian says and it makes me all warm.

"What happened?" He asks and it makes me picture the heartbroken looks on everyone's face. It pains me to have put them through that.

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