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I blink my eyes open, the sun shining right on my face and I have to lift a hand up to block the rays. When I turn my head, I find my girl snuggled up on my chest, hair everywhere and her breathing steady as she softly snores.

I smile at the sight and brush some hair from her face, my eyes catching the marks littering her skin.

My marks.

Possession and satisfaction slam into me at the sight and my cock nearly jumps at the thought of taking her again, even after last night.

"Don't even think about it, Harley" she grumbles, shifting to try and get away before my arms trap her against me.

"Think about what?" I play dumb.

"My vagina can't take anymore. Keep your dick away from her" Emory hisses and though I'm tempted to test that theory, I listen, deciding to give her a break because I did lose a bit of control last night.

I couldn't help it. Not after she walked out of her room in that godforsaken dress and especially not after the little taste I had at the restaurant when my girl got jealous.

"I'm sorry, baby" I chuckle and press a kiss to her hair.

"No you're not, not even a little bit" she mumbles, snuggling into my chest, her arm draping over my stomach.

"No, no I'm not" I laugh and she pinches my side, making me flinch under her.

"What do you have planned today?" I ask, drawing shapes on her bare back, a shiver wrecking her body.

"Nothing. I just want to lounge around and read until my eyes hurt" she sighs.

"Mind if I join you?" I ask and she pops her head up to look down at me, my favorite pair of eyes wide and round and making my chest tight.

She is so beautiful.

"You want to join me and do nothing all day?" She asks.

"I'll join you to watch paint dry, haven't we gone over this before?" I smirk and her ears turn red.

"Well?" I tease when she takes too long to answer, trying to figure out if I'm being serious or not.

"Yeah, sure, but if you get bored, you're free to leave" she swallows and I grip her chin with one hand, bringing her face down to mine.

"Morning breath!" She squeals.

"One of these days, you're going to accept that I'd kiss you after eating a can of sardines" I smirk and bring her lips to mine. Emory melts and kisses me back, before she pulls away and looks far happier than I'm sure she intended to.

"Shower, then breakfast" she says, climbing off of me and taking the sheet with her to wrap around her body.

"Mm, I like Bossy Emory" I hum and she whips her head to glare at me.

She's a goddamn vision.

The sheet hugging her curves as she holds it tightly around her. The way her hair is wild and messy while cascading over her bare shoulders that are littered with my marks. Those doe eyes sparkling with mischief.

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