chapter 4-insecurities

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Hunter's POV.

Okay so maybe luz told me just a tiny bit about what the Dare was. okay it's a lie she told me the entire thing and honestly I'm kind of glad that was the Dare, you see ever since eda adopted me and Luz's girlfriend came over she would always show pictures of her siblings and Eric just so happens to be my picture she posted it on her penstagram. (I think that was what it was called I can't remember it's been a while) so I just maybe sort of kind of fell in love with him okay I'm a total simp but it's a dumb there so why would I even listen unless of course he might go feelings for me no why would he I'm ugly why would he ever like me he's probably straight it's hopeless I'll never find the love like luz did and I don't think I ever well....

Luz POV.

I'm scared for Hunter it sounds like he's crying in his room and I'm getting really worried about my big brother no of course I have King but me and King would never dare to bother Hunter when he's crying that's why I told Mama Eda she always knew how to help let's just hope that hootie doesn't ruin it like last time he was really rude. like he told Hunter to just walk it off and eat some bugs first of all bugs are gross second of all you can't walk off when you have an abusive uncle or should I say had in a abusive of Uncle let's just say belos is nothing.

Eda's POV.
Luz came running to me and told me that Hunter was crying in this room so I walked up to his room and yep I definitely heard crying luckily for Hunter I always knock on the door but I always knock three times to know it's me and if he thinks it's luz I'll knock another one. "Hunter it's mama eda can I come in?" "...ok...come in" I walked in I wrapped my arms around him if he cried in my arms and then he said something I will never forget "mama?" "Yes hunter" "why am I ugly?"


Hi y'all sorry I haven't been posting a lot I hope that you can forgive me before I get sued by you all and hope you enjoyed this chapter now I might make the next one be in the future so don't get confused, BYEEE

Words: 423

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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