Chapter Six - Secrets

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Recap: Luca is going to meet with Mass after dinner

Luca POV

 "Hey. Um, I guess we should go see Mass." He nodded his head awkwardly before walking slowly down the hall. My ribs ached from my uncomfortable position on the floor, but I ignore it as we head down the hall.

Soon we reached the familiar, large oak door that is Mass's office, and Alessio knocks twice. A resounding "Come in" echoes into the hallway, and Alessio opened the door silently before letting me in and closing it.

I sat down in the chair in front of Mass, just as I did two nights ago when he told me the rules. "First of all, are you okay Luca? I apologize for Alonzo's actions. He is not normally like this." I nodded "It's fine" I whispered. 

"No, it isn't. His actions will be dealt with accordingly." I don't really know what to say.  Will he be punished? Is my only resounding thought. Although I slightly disagree with Massimo's first claim (Alonzo has been mean to me this whole time), I'm his subordinate, and therefore cannot speak up to him.

"Now, Alonzo told me something happened at the mall. Do you want to tell me about it?" Although he phrases it as a question, I can tell it isn't. "Um, it was r-really nothing I j-just got scared and o-overwhelmed because I c-couldn't find the t-t-twins."

I can tell Mass is skeptical but he nods anyway. "I see. I also heard there was a, say, incident, the other night." I freeze. I was hoping he wouldn't have heard of this. He continues, "Marco alerted me that you have some concerning bruises on your back—mind telling me where you got those?" Again, not a question.

I look down at my bandaged hands. "Um, well, I f-fell the other d-day before Sir was taken a-away. It's ok they're h-healing well. N-nothing to w-worry about."

Mass narrows his eyes at me, before nodding slowly again. "Mhm. I see. That will be all. You may go." I nod and stand up before walking to the door. His voice stopped me just before the door. "I know I've told you this before, Luca, but I'd like to reiterate it again. If there is ever anything you need to tell us about, please do not hesitate to do so. We are your brothers. We will be here for you if you need it. Goodnight, Luca."

5 hours later

I gasp, flying up in bed after a particularly frightening nightmare, it was like the one the other day, except it didn't stop. I didn't wake up in time. I sat, shaking on my bed for a few minutes before deciding I wasn't going to be able to calm myself down this time.

Grabbing Hobbes, I hopped of my bed and made my way to my door. I wandered down the pitch dark hallway, having no idea whose door was whose. I eventually just decided to choose one, hoping it was Gio's.

Unfortunately, it wasn't. Marco sat on his bed, sketching in his sketchbook with a small light on. His eyes snapped up when the door opened, and a confused look passed over his face as I entered his room, sniffing and rubbing the tears off my face.

Once I realized it was him, I began apologizing profusely. "I'm sorry I didn't know who's room this was and I thought it might be Gio's but that's really only about a 25% chance of occurring so really it was stupid of me to assume this was his room and it was so dark I couldn't see the names and so sorry I'll just—"

"Luca. Slow down. It's ok. Do you need Gio specifically, or did you just need one of us in general?" The softness of his voice shocked me, and I sniffled again, rubbing my eyes.

"No. Just one of you." I mumbled, clutching Hobbes tighter to my chest. "What's up then, buddy? Why are you up now?" I blushed, remembering the reason I was looking for Gio in the first place. It sounded silly now.

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