Chapter Nine - A Visit

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Recap: Massimo leaves after Luca falls asleep again.

Massimo POV

I left the house after leaving Luca in the kitchen, I knew the boys would look after him. I had someone to visit. I pulled out my phone before typing in a number, "This is Mr. Romeo. I'm ready for a visit."

Charlie pulled up in his classic Black Range Rover Sport but I gave him a friendly wave, my indication that I wanted to drive alone. I headed to the garage and grabbed the keys to my precious Bugatti La Voiture Noire.

I did the fingerprint scan at the exit of the garage and headed off down our winding driveway

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I did the fingerprint scan at the exit of the garage and headed off down our winding driveway. It took around 5-10 minutes just to get off our estate. We had to be very far out from society in order to protect our identities.

When I arrived, the guards immediately let me in. I strode quickly down the dank hallways, straightening my Armani suit coat and dusting a speck of lint off my shoulder. I knocked on the door at the end of the hallway sharply before pushing it open anyway. What can I say, I'm a man who waits for no one.

The overweight, balding man seated in the crusty leather chair behind the large desk glanced up annoyedly before paling at the sight of me. "M-Mr. Romeo. I-It's always a p-pleasure. W-What can I d-do for you today?" He stuttered nervously, wiping the sweat off his brow with a handkerchief.

"Well, Mr. Fontaine. I have a special someone I'm just dying to visit. I assume that won't be a problem, sì?" I questioned, raising one eyebrow dauntingly. He seemed to shrink even more in his seat. Pathetic.

"O-Of course, Mr. Romeo. That s-shouldn't be a problem at all. Who is it you wanted to s-speak to?" The oily man picked up the phone on his desk, beginning to dial a number, before looking at me for confirmation.

I smirked menacingly "Frank Brandt."

Luca POV

When I awoke again, I was back in my bed, and the pain in my head and ribs was all but gone. I glanced at the astronaut clock on my nightstand, and it read 3:30 pm (15:30 for my international readers ;) I was still in my pajamas from earlier but I figured it was time to shower.

I walked into the ensuite bathroom, still in shock at the cool dinosaur wallpaper. I stripped off the pajamas and placed them in the hamper in the corner of the bathroom before turning to look at myself in the mirror. The bruises on my legs and arms were healing nicely, and I seemed to have a bit more color on me.

I gently de-velcroed the stiff, mesh brace around my torso, wincing as my chest adjusted to the sudden movement. Yikes. My torso was covered in black, blue, purple, green, and yellow bruises, all in various stages of healing. It kind of looks like a galaxy. I giggled to myself.

I turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature, being sure it was cool so that I didn't use my brothers' hot water. That was one of Sir's main rules—everyone else always comes first. By the time I got out, I was shivering. I dried off and wrapped the soft, green towel around me before walking into the attached walk-in closet.

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