Chapter NINETEEN: Dev

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It was impossible to gauge time inside an enclosed cavity deep within a mountain, but Dev was pretty sure hours had passed since Liss left. His vision had gone blurry awhile ago from staring into the void, and he'd used up nearly all the torch fluid, but she still hadn't returned. He almost wished the changeling bird would come, so he could threaten it into confessing whether it knew anything about the world beyond the valley. If Liss was right about its cryptic riddle, it might have known about the passageway masquerading as a wildcat den, but Dev still doubted it used the cave to travel. It was a bird, after all, just like Liss had said. And there was no physical barrier over the valley, only a magical one, a relic of the past created by Hona to hold the elves hostage for their sins, or so they had been told.

Magic wasn't a relic, though, it still existed. The flower in the alcove was proof. Liss herself was proof. Dev could hardly believe how magnificent she had looked channeling the Revealer spell, her white hair glowing in the dark. Her eyes had lit up too, shining like captive stars. He'd nearly lost his breath from the sudden jolt of wild joy the magic invoked. Magic he hadn't believed in, just moments prior.

He didn't want to move. He wanted to wait—forever if he had to—for Liss to come back. But he didn't have that luxury. Pile and Rana would worry, if they weren't already. Their footsteps might echo down the passage at any moment, arriving to see what in the goddess's name had happened to him. And to Liss...

How would he explain where she was?

The void would almost certainly terrify Rana, but Pile was reckless and bold, he might have the same idea as Liss. Dev couldn't let anyone else find this place. He wouldn't let anyone else disappear. If he was smart, he would go directly to Elder Fex and Rondan, and tell them everything. The Council and Lightkeepers must have known about the passageway and alcove, and likely the void too. Why else would they have put up a fake warning sign to deter people from coming here? If he was smart, he would stick to the truth and leave as little to interpretation as possible. Lying could bring calamity down on the entire clan, and Dev wasn't a liar. Among his peers, he was one of the most responsible. And Dev was smart, but... 

What if Liss showed up soon, wanting to show him all the amazing things she'd found on the other side of the valley?

Dev glanced at the glowing purple bloom. There was a chance the flower had come from some place benign, a place where Liss could live the life she'd dreamed of. There was a chance the Council had been lying to them about the world outside the valley. He finally believed it might be possible. And if they were lying, why? Why would they deceive the entire clan if Hona condemned dishonesty?

Dev had blindly trusted his superiors. He had behaved and done what they expected of him without complaint. But what if his efforts proved in vain? What if the Council and the Lightkeepers were using his integrity against him? If so, he wouldn't be the only one. Many others in the clan put an equal amount of faith in their leaders. 

A shock of guilt coursed through him as he sat hunched over the alcove's wet stone floor, willing himself not to break down. Why hadn't he just gone with her? He had a dagger and could fight. All Liss had was his cloak and her tome of runes. And there was no telling if magic worked on the other side of the void. If she'd even made it through.

He was a coward. Even now, nothing was preventing him from following her. There was still time–-at least, there might be-–yet he hesitated. He wasn't even sure why. Maybe he just didn't want to die. Was that so wrong? But if Liss died, how could he go on living knowing he could have done more?

The longer he sat around doing nothing, the worse his head ached. But he couldn't stay in the alcove any longer. Pile would come after him eventually, and anyway, it was too hot. Dev felt he was going mad, like his brain was melting within his skull. The storm had been a nuisance earlier, but now he craved it. Just thinking about the cool air made him groan with longing. It got him standing, and walking. 

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