Chapter THIRTY-NINE: Dev

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"You shouldn't follow me."

Dev clutched the sides of the enchanted cloak to his chest and tipped his chin down, although the hood was deep enough to conceal his face without the effort. Being invisible would take getting used to, and Rana tripping over his heels wasn't helping.

The sun glinted off her silver curls as they traced a path back through the village. "I'll see you to the forest's edge," she murmured, her lips barely moving. At least she was trying to be discreet. "I want to apologize. I'd only planned on telling Pile how stubborn you were acting last night, but Calan overheard our conversation. Pile tried to stop him from going to Rondan, but you know how Calan is."

"It doesn't matter anymore. Where is Pile, by the way?"


Dev cursed under his breath. "Then I assume the Council told you we're to be Engaged?"

Rana stopped in the far-flung shadow of a pine tree. The dainty hands planted on her waist, and that testy look in her eyes was so familiar. How had he never noticed before? "I told you, we don't have to obey the Council. I know you're in love with Liss, and I... really like Pile. He's funny and sweet."

"Then why is he sulking?"

"Because you didn't tell him where you were going last night, and he's terrified you'll get yourself killed! He really loves you, Dev. You're like a brother to him."

Dev frowned, not that anyone would see it. "I thought he would insist on coming along, and I didn't want anyone else getting hurt on my account. I need to do this on my own."

"You should tell him that."

"There's no time!" Dev regretted shouting, but they were in a quiet corner of the village and no one was around to question why Rana was conversing with an angry, disembodied voice. "Will you tell him I'm sorry? Please."

"I will." They'd come to the border of the village, where the shorn grass abruptly lengthened and trees sprouted skyward at random. Rana crossed her arms, gazing out over the forested foothills. "Be careful, Dev. Liss is out there, I know she is. I can feel it."

"Me too."

"Don't... don't tell her we're sisters, okay? Not unless... something terrible happens."

"You'll tell her yourself." Nothing terrible would happen. At least, that's what Dev tried to convince himself. "And I'll apologize to Pile when we get back."

Rana smiled, but shadows darkened her eyes. Neither of them was being completely honest, but they had to have hope, didn't they? They had to believe amazing things were possible, like Liss always had, or else what was the point?

"See you soon, Dev."

"See you soon."

He kept her words in mind as he hiked to the mountain crevice. They repeated like a mantra, a promise he intended to keep. Not just to Rana-an unexpected ally-but to everyone that mattered in Cradelow, and most of all, Liss. He would see her soon, he would. All he had to do was get through the mountain, and she would be there. It was wishful thinking; he knew it was. But it kept him going.

Dev moved like a ghost through the trees, his boots silent on the fallen leaves. Light and shadow sliced through him, ignorant of his existence, unaware of his deception. His lingering wish for the changeling bird to appear sunk as he approached the mountain. It wasn't a surprise, Dev had two strikes against him. It had been a stretch to imagine the creature would haunt the forest during the day, and now he was invisible.

But maybe the changeling would find him on the other side of the mountain.

Dev slowed as he neared the crevice, although he wasn't sure it was necessary. There were two Lightkeepers guarding the dark, narrow mountain entrance with blades at their hips. Gen and Sole, the same officers who often led the recruits' training sessions. Gen was thin and on the shorter side, but he was quick and ruthless. Sole was huge, with massive biceps and a skull harder than stone. Between the two of them, Dev wouldn't stand a chance if they detected him.

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