Untitled Part 4

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Katsuki stopped the truck outside the hospital and leaped out of it, with Izuku following at a less hasty pace. As they walked through the glass doors of the hospital, a soft whoosh sound filled the air and they were instantly surrounded by the cold, clinical environment. Conversations echoed in the lobby, illuminated by the bright white walls and glimmering marble floor.

Katsuki's boots clacked loudly against the tiled floors as he made his way through the hospital's entrance. His sharp eyes scanned the area, taking in the rows of chairs, some occupied by patients and their worried family members. He noticed an indoor garden near the reception desk, with patients peacefully surrounded by plants and flowers.

But amidst this setting, something caught Katsuki's attention. A guy, possibly a few years younger than himself, clad in a hoodie that seemed to engulf him, looking as inconspicuous as a flamingo in a chicken coop. He was awkwardly leaning towards the reception desk, pestering a nurse about Camie.

Katsuki hovered nearby, eavesdropping. The guy was failing spectacularly at squeezing any information out of the nurse, who remained stoic as a rock. "I can't disclose any information about patients to unauthorized individuals," she declared, her frown as deep as a canyon.

Katsuki couldn't help but smirk. The guy looked like a cat that had just been caught trying to steal a fish.

With his eyes still on the nervous wreck of a man, Katsuki casually stepped closer to the desk. "What's the ruckus about?"

The guy's head whipped around so fast, it surprised Katsuki it didn't fly off. With eyes as wide as saucers, he made a dash for it, scuttling away like a crab on hot sand.

As Katsuki turned to face the nurse, recognition dawned on him. It was Nemuri, a stern-looking woman with raven hair cascading down her shoulders and glasses, that magnified her fierce gaze. She had been working at this hospital for as long as Katsuki could remember, and they'd crossed paths countless times over the years. Her steely demeanor was well known to him, and if anyone could shut down a nosy intruder with just a stare, it was her.

"Ah, Katsuki, causing trouble as usual?" Nemuri quipped, raising an eyebrow. She had a voice that could probably command an army.

"Nah, that's your job," he shot back, his eyes still following the retreating figure in the hoodie. "But seriously, where's Camie? Inasa's friend."

Nemuri's expression softened a bit. "Room 207. But tread lightly, Bakugo. She's had a rough night."

Katsuki gave a curt nod and started towards the room, but then he felt a tap on his arm. He had almost forgotten about Izuku, who had followed him in. Those damn green eyes looked too earnest for Katsuki's liking. It felt like Izuku could probably see straight through his bravado.

"Hey, I don't think that guy was just a random creep. Did you see how panicked he was?" Izuku muttered under his breath.

"Yeah, like a damn chihuahua. Don't worry, I clocked him," Katsuki replied.

As they made their way down the hallway, Katsuki's heart was pounding in his chest. He wasn't sure what to expect. The sterile smell of the hospital mixed with the heavy silence made his usual cocksure attitude feel alien, almost sacrilegious.

When they reached room 207, Katsuki paused at the door. His hands trembled slightly as he hesitated outside. He had dealt with some rough stuff before, like his parents and finding Nana, but this felt different. His usual swagger seemed misplaced in the face of someone else's pain. He swallowed hard and pushed the door open cautiously.

Inside, the room was dimly lit with a soft glow, as if the light was tiptoeing around so as not to disturb Camie's rest. The antiseptic scent was stronger here, and the beeping of the monitors added a somber note to the silence. Camie was lying on a hospital bed, looking fragile, as if a strong breeze could carry her away. She had a bandage on her head and her eyes were puffy, but when she saw Katsuki, her expression was a mix of confusion and suspicion.

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