Untitled Part 6

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Katsuki yanked his tie tight, the knot settling just below his Adam's apple. He gave himself a quick once-over in the mirror. The house buzzed behind him; Shoto and Fuyumi bickered over missing cufflinks. Rei's blow dryer droned in the next room, and even Enji's grumbles about a lost watch reached his ears. They rarely went to church, but when they did, Rei insisted on everyone dressing decently.

Snatching his phone from the dresser, he shot a text to Dabi. "Where you at? We're heading out." Dabi's constant vanishing acts were more annoying than worrying, but Katsuki still wondered where the hell he was.

He shrugged on his blazer, the fabric molding to his frame. The cedarwood cologne he'd splashed on earlier swirled around him. "Not too shabby," he muttered, locking eyes with his reflection before heading out.

Dodging Shoto and Fuyumi's endless quarrel and sidestepping Enji's complaints, he stepped into the welcoming atmosphere of their simple, cozy foyer and out the door. The smell of freshly mowed grass greeted him, pulling a sigh from his lungs.

The rumble of an approaching car interrupted his thoughts. He looked up to see Izuku stepping out, dressed and making Katsuki pause. A white button-up clung to his frame, tucked into fitted black slacks, set off by a green tie. Even his unruly hair looked less like a disaster. Katsuki felt... something, a sensation he couldn't immediately name.

"What are you doing here?" The question was more of a challenge than anything else.

Rei appeared from behind him, her light floral scent blending effortlessly with the morning air. "I invited him," she stated, her smile both knowing and vexing.

His insides twisted in a tangle of irritation, curiosity, and something else he didn't want to identify. "Why?"

Izuku shot Rei an uncertain glance before answering. "Your mom thought it'd be nice for me to see the church grounds."

Katsuki smirked, a scoff coloring his words. "You don't strike me as the church-going type."

Rei put her hands on her hips, shooting him a warning glance that made him quickly reassess his stance. He turned back to Izuku. "Fine. I'd love to show you around."

As they walked to the car, Rei's laughter followed them, lifting on the morning air like a delicate perfume. "Remember to play nice, you two!"

"Nice. I can do 'nice,'" Katsuki grumbled, yanking open the car door and sliding into the passenger seat. The soft click of the seat belt punctuated his resignation. If this "nice" thing blew up in his face, well, it wouldn't be the first disaster he'd have to manage.

As they pulled away from the house, the tension inside the car was a tangible thing. Neither made an attempt at small talk as they approached the church.

When they finally parked, Katsuki felt the heavy oak doors loom before him. Inside, the scent of incense met them, demanding a reverence that neither quite felt.

Before the service began, the two navigated the church lobby where the community had gathered. A spread of breakfast foods—muffins, bagels, fruit—was arranged on long tables draped with white tablecloths. It seemed the church was pulling all stops to make this morning special, to focus the community's energy on praying for Camie's recovery.

As he picked up a bagel, Katsuki's eyes met Izuku's. Both were biting back words, their faces a veneer of politeness that did little to mask mutual irritation. The judgmental whispers they'd caught about Camie had set them both on edge, but neither wanted to voice what simmered beneath the surface.

"So, you regretting moving here yet?" Katsuki finally broke the silence, a tame smirk spreading across his face as he eyed Izuku.

"Regrets? Nah. I've found the people here to be pretty interesting since I moved," Izuku shot back, a teasing glint in his eye. "But I could definitely do without the judgmental old hags who gossip more than they pray."

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