001 | Blanket

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Y/N's POV:

Before you went out of your way to get everything out of your bags and sorted into your room, you decided to look a bit through the house again. It was a big house, and you didn't feel like getting lost. Thankfully, you figured out pretty quickly what the layout of the house looked like and how to manoeuvre correctly through it. You didn't take the doll with you; you had laid him on the chair that stood in the corner of your room, looking towards the bed.

When you came back to your room to get everything sorted, you noticed the doll had moved; instead of sitting down, he laid on his back. You looked around, quickly noticing it was windy outside and your window had been open. So you apologised to the doll in a joking manner, made him sit up again, and even covered his lap with a blanket you had found to prevent him from getting 'cold'.

This wasn't because you felt like Mrs Heelshire had wanted you to do so; she would've probably told you he was a strong boy that would hardly get sick. It was because you acted like that around your own stuffed animals as well. You've had many plushies ever since you were born. Yet it was noticeable how your collection had grown since those men had broken into your house; you didn't feel safe at night anymore, always afraid that they'd come back and take advantage of you again. You couldn't sleep for weeks-months even. It was only when you found your childhood plush again, Gregory, that you found yourself able to rest again. He gave you a sense of safety and comfort, the more you got, the more those feelings grew.

You were sure your therapist wouldn't approve of the situation you had found yourself in; instead of getting used to people again-to men and boys again-you were completely isolated and alone with a doll you had to care for. But you didn't mind, and you weren't telling her either way; being away from the people and city that hurt you calmed you down, made you feel free, and made you feel normal for once. You weren't going to risk that being taken away from you.

Brahms's POV:

I had never had such a young nanny before; most had to have been at least twice my age; this one, however, seemed to be a few years younger than me. I had already expected her; Mum didn't shut up about how excited she was and how much I'd love my new nanny.

Not only was she different in age, but it looked like she actually cared for my counterpart, putting a blanket on his lap to prevent him from getting cold. Not many would think of it, not even Mum.

She was beautiful; her face had a kind expression, and her hair looked incredibly soft. Her eyes were big and full of curiosity as well as cautiousness. The way her hips moved as she walked was sensual, and her touch, whenever she touched my doll, me, would be delicate. Even her feet were small, adorable, and soft-looking. It was as if my mother had picked her for a reason-to be mine.

She followed the list perfectly from the moment my parents left; she left on my music most of the time, and I think she liked it herself. 'At least it won't be so quiet now', she had whispered to my doll as she continued with her day.

She took me with her as she was eating dinner, leaving the leftovers in the freezer as stated on her list of rules. And after cleaning up after herself, she took my doll to bed, clothed him, put him under the covers, told me a bedtime story, and kissed me on the head before leaving the room with the nightlight off.

I kept watching her, normally, once the nannies got me to bed, they'd change their demeanour; my doll would creep them out, and I'd creep them out. But once they thought I was asleep, they'd feel less scared, that change in expression and personality was always something that interested me. With Y/N, this didn't turn out to be the case; she knew she was being watched, or at least felt like she was being watched, yet she didn't do anything about it, as if she was used to that feeling. I saw it in her shoulders and jaw, as well as her eyes which looked rather observant.

She went to bed early (around 21.00), I suspected she decided to adjust to her new surroundings that way. I was surprised when I saw her lay all her plushies out on her bed as she put everything in its designated place, but once I saw her lay with them, it made sense to me; the moment she lay in bed and found a comfortable position, it was as if all her body melted, as if she had secretly been tense the whole time she was here.

I didn't plan on doing anything to her; she had been good to me after all. But I couldn't help listening to her breathing as she slept, her shuffling around under the covers. Even though she looked calm the moment she fell asleep, her sleep itself seemed to be the complete opposite; restless. I couldn't help watching her from a closer perspective. She looked so perfect to me, so vulnerable, so adorable.

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