Time of Truth

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(A/N) Hello and welcome to the first chapter of "A Rabbit's Retribution" the third and final installation of the Velvet Scarlatina X Male Reader trilogy. If you haven't read the first two, I would strongly suggest you go read the beginning, "A Rabbit's Sorrow" followed by the sequel, "A Rabbit's Promise".

I hope that you enjoy reading it and sorry for the delay, some events came up that I had to take care of concerning my family...

Anyways, without further hesitation or procrastination,

As the first vampire once said

"Let the games begin..."


Several months had passed since Velvet had started to break out of her state of depression, she was slowly regaining her spirit. Her kindness towards others was also starting to become more prominent as well. She had become more lively and more sociable too. She had begun eating and had started taking better care of herself.

Her team and friends were ecstatic that she was changing for the better, and she seemed to be increasingly outgoing. She had also started to become more daring and brave when someone attempted to pick on her or other Faunus. Attempted is the word used here because just as (Y/N) stuck up for and defended others, so too did she. She had actually become a lot more serious and intimidating in the duration of the past few weeks.

She had listened to and taken everything that Coco had said to heart and her determination was showing through in her actions and words. Whenever Velvet spotted a student that was being bullied or harassed, she would assist them by either intimidating the perpetrators or straight out engaging them in a fight if they struck first. Now some would think that the amount of fights and conflicts that had arisen surrounding the subject of Velvet, that she would get reprimanded or subjected to punishment, but Velvet was smarter than she was given credit for.

Whenever she was called into headmaster Ozpin's office for being in or supposedly starting a fight, she would just say that it was self defense, since she always waited to strike until the antagonists had struck at her first. Since witnesses would back up Velvet's claims, she was released without so much as a scolding word. Another reason she was let off so easily was because behind the scenes, Ozpin was silently cheering Velvet on, supporting her mission to fulfill his lost son's dying wish.

Speaking of Ozpin, months ago, after the assembly where his son's passing had been called and ended, he had sought out Velvet, requesting to see her in his office. When had arrived, she had been asked by Ozpin about any information on what exactly had caused his son to run out of school grounds and into the forest in the late evening in the first place. Velvet instead of responding, requested to have Juane Arc be brought into the office and in turn the conversation. Compliant, Ozpin complied and within moments the student in question was sitting alongside Velvet, in front of Ozpin's desk.

Ozpin repeated the question to Juane and the two students looked at each other and then back to Ozpin after silently coming to an agreement. Juane was the one who spoke first,

"Professor Ozpin, me and Velvet made a promise to each other and to (Y/N) to never make mention of what we had seen to anyone, but seeing as how you're his father, we feel you have the right to know as well."

Ozpin silently nods his head in acknowledgment. Velvet is the one who speaks next,

"When we first started noticing that (Y/N) was acting differently than usual, with him being more closed off and reserved, we thought it was just a phase. But after a while of this continuing and (Y/N) only getting worse, we decided to get the help of Coco to help us spy on him by putting cameras in the rooms he frequented and stayed in longer the most."

Juane took over when Velvet paused,

"Coco agreed to help us as she too was concerned, and she placed the cameras in the gym and Professor Goodwitch's classroom. When we were going about our day later on in the week, the three of us had gotten a notification on our scroll meaning that (Y/N) was all alone in a room and had been for a few minutes. We all checked where he was and what he was doing and what we saw was... we.."

Seeing that Juane didn't want to finish, Velvet took over again and hoped to get the reaction she wanted.

"We saw that professor Goodwitch was beating (Y/N), using her semblance to throw him around the room and later dropping a large and very heavy dumbell on him."

Ozpin was angry, no... he was furious, the two students could practically feel the murderous intent coming off of Ozpin in waves. Velvet and Juane were slightly fearful when they saw the look on Ozpin's face. It was that of pure rage. Ozpin gripped the mug he was holding so hard that it shattered in his hand, cutting his hand in several places. He remained like that for some time, taking deep, elongated breaths with his eyes closed, trying to not act rash and outright attack who he thought was a friend.

After a few moments when he had successfully calmed himself, he only asked one question in the form of two words to the two students before him.

"How long?"

Juane spoke up,

"He said it had been about a month and a half of it going on until we found out."

Ozpin was silent, staring at his desk, or more accurately, staring at the picture of him and his son that was on the desk. He gazed at it for a moment longer before standing and gesturing for the two students to do the same. They both sent him inquisitive looks, both hoping to hear that this would not go unpunished. Ozpin did not disappoint.

"Go and retrieve Miss Coco, we have a call and statements to the police to make."

And with that one sentence, both the students nodded with determination to see that justice would be brought to the abuser of their lost friend...

A Rabbit's Retribution (Deceased Male Reader X Velvet Scarlatina)Where stories live. Discover now