A Familiar Yet Different Face

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AN: Hello and welcome to the third chapter of A Rabbit's Retribution, I hope you enjoy and think about what is said by some of the characters you will see in this part...

Let's get into it shall we?


Many weeks had passed since the arrest of Glynda Goodwitch, and the academy of Beacon had returned to normal, or at least as normal as the school could be with its many interesting odd goings on and events. Speaking of events, Beacon had received a new combat teacher seeing as how the previous one was arrested.

This new professor was welcomed personally by Headmaster Ozpin himself and given a tour by Ozpin as well. Some interest was raised on why this new professor was so important, at least important enough to warrant a personal tour of the School grounds given by the headmaster of the school. Many eyebrows were raised and jaws dropped when Ozpin embraced the new teacher in a comforting hug after the new teacher had started shedding tears. Nobody could figure out why the professor was crying and were even more gobsmacked when Ozpin, the stoic and unemotional Headmaster of Beacon, actually hugged the professor.

When some of the students who had seen this firsthand asked Ozpin about why he did it, he simply replied saying that he was "comforting a friend".

The students simply accepted it and moved on with their day realizing they would get nothing more out of the Headmaster, who stood there sipping from his mug as per usual. The day the new teacher had started teaching classes was the day they finally learned his name, seeing as how nobody had seen him since Ozpin had given him the tour.

He introduced himself as Skiá (L/N).That got everyone immediately thinking that this was a relative of (Y/N)'s, and not just because he shared the same last name as him, but because they could see the resemblance, the same Emerald colored eyes, the same tanned skin tone, and the same unruly and unkempt black hair. Those were just the physical traits that they recognized though.

The more in depth ones were that he was laid back, kind, compassionate, and was easy to get along with. Although as easy going as he was, he did not tolerate any form of bullying, discrimination or racism inside his class and out. A prime example of this was when he caught the leader of Team CRDL harassing a cornered female mouse Faunus in the hall.


Skiá had been walking down the hall before he spotted a student being cornered and bullied, he had walked up silently to them and stood directly behind Cardin, brought his leg back and swung his foot directly into Cardin's tenders. Eliciting a scream of pain that one could describe as cartoonish.

Cardin collapsed to his knees holding his now mashed potatoes and started crying and whimpering, with his face turning a color red that made him look like he got slapped by an angry Karen 50 times.

Skiá glared down at the team CRDL members who could still speak coherent words and jerked his head, signaling for them to leave before they got the same treatment as their leader did. They complied without hesitation but not without trying to take Cardin with them, to which Skiá shook his head slowly and made a shoo-ing motion with his hand, causing them to scamper away.

Turning around, Skiá started checking on the mouse Faunus who the team had cornered and had yanked on her ears and shoved her to the ground. Said mouse Faunus was sitting on the floor crying softly and was holding her ears in pain. Skiá knelt down to her level and gently nudged her knee. The student looked up with tears streaming down her face and flinched when she saw a human staring at her.

A Rabbit's Retribution (Deceased Male Reader X Velvet Scarlatina)Where stories live. Discover now