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*** Sruthi ***

Today is a big day. The Queen's gathering!

The biggest gathering of women in the nine kingdoms and while I am very excited for it, I am also concerned for the queen having seen her anxiety upclose. So, I decided to ask god for help. I woke up early, prepared sweets, took them to the temple, got prayers done and came back with the prashadh, completely confident that nothing could go wrong until....I saw him!

"What is that?" the general asked stopping me right at the entrance of the meeting chambers.

"Prashadh, for the queen," I answered.

"Did you get it cleared with the security?" he asked, "Show me the approval."

"I made them in the palace and took them to the temple myself. It never left my eyes," I said calmly.

"That is not an answer to my question," the general said frustrated, "Do you have the clearance or not?"

"You really think I would poison the queen?" I asked frustrated.

"It is not what I think, it is the rules," the general said taking a laddoo from the plate. He broke it into half, ate one half, and gave me the other.

"Have it and I will give the clearance," he said. I took and ate the laddoo. He waited for a couple of awkward seconds before stepping away and I started to think as I walked inside.

Why did he eat the laddoo first? Is it his symbolic way of saying that he trusts me but is oblidged to follow the rules. 

Wow! that would be such a sweet gesture! 


This is the general we are taking about. He is incapable of doing nice things. He is just hungry, that is all it is!

"Those are for me???" Pallu's voice brought back my attention.

"No Pallu, for the queen...I..." 

Pallu did not even let me finish my sentence before grabbing the plate and running towards the queen. 

"Your highness, for you," she said quickly placing one laddoo in the queen's hand.

"Pallu where did you...." Pallu ran away with the rest of the laddoos before the queen could even complete her question.

"It is prasad from the temple, your highness," I answered, "I got it for you."

"That is very nice of you, Sruthi," the queen smiled, "thank you so much!"

"My pleasure, your highness," I replied and joined the rest to help the queen get ready.


"Your highness, where is your crown?" Naina asked looking around.

"Must be in my chambers," the queen answered, "I will go..."

"You should stay, your highness" I interrupted, "I will go get it."

"Are you sure, Sruthi?" the queen asked, "The king is in the chambers."

"Not a problem your highness," I assured, "I will get the crown."


"Yes, come in," the king said. I nervously stepped in to find him engrossed in some work.

"Sruthi?" he acknowledged turning towards me, "What do you want?"

"Uh...the queen's crown, your highness," I replied.

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