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I hope this chapter helps me reach 1M and take a deep breath before you read because this chapter is going to be phenomenal!

I literally felt anxious writing this and I think and hope this chapter is going to make you feel like you are in the battle field.

And btw all the best to everyone taking the board exams!

Fight like a warrior, return like a Queen, I will be waiting for you with the crown!

Also if you feel like sharing, asking or saying anything to me , just message me or post it on my conversation board. Comments often get lost with too many notifications and there are so many pending comments for me to read, it might take a long time before I reach yours ❤️

Target: 1.2K votes and 650 comments

*** Ravi Verma ***

As I entered the battle filed with my horse, my eyes fell on the flag of the Nine Kingdoms, the very sight of it somehow being both plesant and terrifying at the same time.

Perhaps that is what happens, when the King himself designs the flag of the state and if the king is as skilled as Adinath, the flag truly stands as a representative of the beliefs and morale of the Kingdom.

Perhaps that is what happens, when the King himself designs the flag of the state and if the king is as skilled as Adinath, the flag truly stands as a representative of the beliefs and morale of the Kingdom

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"Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitaha," the Sanskrit quotation standing right at the top ~ the belief engraved in the hearts of every single soldier of the Nine Kingdoms. The symbol 'Om' to indicate that the God's are with them, symbolically standing as a protection over the head of their soldier ferociously storming into the battle field.

'Warriors of God' is what the Nine Kingdoms calls it's soldiers when they are in the battle field.

Sorrounding the borders of the flag are symbols indicating what the Nine Kingdoms stands and fights for. Justice at the topmost corner, followed by Freedom to it's right, plant to indicate life, mother to represent pure love, rose to represent beauty, and finally hands supporting each other to represent unity and brotherhood.

The glorious shades of the sun in the background representing the persistence of the soldiers to rise again and again no matter how many times they set and their firm belief that their flag will fly high in the sky as long as the sun exists.

The King's brilliance is truly commendable!

I turned to look back at our flag, the flag that the leaders of all the 7 neighbourhood kingdoms agreed upon.

I turned to look back at our flag, the flag that the leaders of all the 7 neighbourhood kingdoms agreed upon

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