A life changing Encounter

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(In the year 1700, pirates sailed the seven seas. Of all the pirates, none were as mean and bloodthirsty as Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard. He sailed aboard his powerful pirate ship, the Queen Anne's Revenge. It was said he was so mean tempered, he once shot his gunner for no reason. He pillaged any ship he could, especially English vessels. He was once a member of his Magisty's Royal Navy. He...like others...got tired of fighting for a weak king who only paid them measly wages. So a mutiny gave him the ship he now commanded. Some of the crew were ones who's life were spared if they joined the crew. One of these...was John Paul Jones.)

(One night, they were sailing amongst the reefs of the Caribbean, trying to stay out of site of some English man of war vessels...when up ahead...sunbathing on a rock...was a naked mermaid. Her big firm breasts glistening in the fading sunlight. Blackbeard ordered her captured in a fish net. They left her for hours tangled up in the net. No food, no water. Because according to legend...if a mermaid were to stay out of water for to long. They would revert to human form, and Blackbeard intended to be the first one to ram his cock into her, when that happened.)

(The beautiful mermaid laid in the net on the hard wooden plank, crying for help...but none dared to help her. Blackbeard had vowed to kill anyone who helped her. The pirates took turns rubbing their hands over her big boobs. Telling her in detail what they planned to do to her, once she turned human. The hours slowly drifted by, and the longer the night wore on, the more frightened the mermaid became, for she knew once they discovered she was now fully human, they would do unspeakable things to her body. She feared Blackbeard when he was sober. Him and his crew were roaring drunk now. She laid and cried, for she knew her fate was sealed. She knew no one would help her...but she was wrong.)

(She gasps as a hand covers her mouth.)

"Quiet lass! If I'm gonna free you, we have to move, since ye grew legs now."

(The heavy fish net is cut away. He helps her up. They stare at one another. He was young, muscular, dark haired, and very handsome. She was fair skinned with dark hair as well. Full lips, with big firm breasts and a curvy ass.)

"Hope ye still got the strength to swim far away from here. Now get going before anyone notices!"

"But what about you?"

"My life is forfeit...better for me to die, then serve another day under a cruel pirate like Blackbeard."

"Come with me!"

"Nay! I'm not a mermaid. I can't out swim a ship!"

"You won't have too. Now c'mon...jump!"

(She grabs his hand as the two of them jump overboard. They both swim for hours, until John tires out.)

"Keep going lass...go back to your home where ye belong. Hopefully I'll live long enough for a ship to spot me, before the sharks drag my carcass to Davey Jones locker."

"No...wait here. I'll call for help."

"Help?"(Laughs)"Who's gonna help us in the middle of nowhere?"

(The mermaid doesn't answer, she just smiles at him. Then her voice, as soft as a gentle breeze billows over the surrounding waters as she sings. Minutes later, her song is answered by happy chittering, as two dolphins poke their heads out of the water.)

"Well...bless my soul. Dolphins!"

"Grab onto their fins and hold on tight. They'll take us somewhere safe...far away from Blackbeard."

(The young pirate wearily climbs on top of the dolphin's back, as the mermaid does the same. Hours later they arrive on the shore of a faraway land. They thank the dolphins, and bid them goodbye. John Paul notices the young mermaid shiver in the chilly night wind.)

Long Ago and Far Away Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon