Bitter Cold/Payment Due part 1

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(King Von Graves paces back and forth during a private meeting with his top officers, in the throne room. He was not happy.)

"What madness is this? Whoever heard of a storm lasting so long? What kind of fools am I dealing with? First I learn about fog from the sea helping to conceal a ship from the most powerful warships that money can buy! Next I learn that my younger brother and his bitch Queen have mysteriously vanished from their prison cells! Vanished into thin ear supposedly, since the cell doors were all locked!"

"My liege! Do you think your brother will try to retake the kingdom?"

(Laughs)"No...he wouldn't dare. He does not have the strength as far as any army goes...and I have the added bonus of his buxom daughter. So even if he did law I am King. Let that be a lesson to all of you. wage a successful cannot always rely on brute strength. must rely on certain tactics. Like fucking the King's daughter."

(They all laugh. Suddenly a very dark cloud overshadows the castle, as a women's voice echoes throughout the castle.)


(A giant wave crashes thru a tall window of the castle. Lorelai rides on top of the wave. It comes to a stop as she stares down at them all.)

"Who are you? Are you a witch?"

"No. I am a mermaid. A sorceress of the sea."

"What is thy business here...witch?"

"Thou are the one who ordered lashes upon my son's back?"

"Yes! Because he stole from me!"

"Truly? What...may I ask...did he steal?"

"He stole a crystal rose that my lover made just for me, as a symbol of our love for one another." (Angelique answers, as she strides slowly into the throne room.)

(Lorelai laughs.)"If only your wisdom...matched your beauty. Perhaps you would not be so easily taken for a fool!"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You claim your lover made thee a crystal rose?"


"As a symbol of his love for you?"


"Made it with his own two hands did he?"

"Yes. He claims he did!"

(Laughs)"Thou fool. Your lover is as fake as his love for you."

"Thou has no right to wrongly accuse my lover of..."

"Are his hands soft or rough?"


"His hands. Are they soft or rough?"

"I...I don't understand."

"Of course you don't! Thou are so naive and foolish and desiring of attention, that thou thinketh with thy love hole instead of thy heart. Instead of what thy eyes see!"

"I...still don't..."

"Hold out thy hands...Count."

"Thou shall address me as King!"

'Thou are no more a king then thou are a blacksmith. Show her your hands!"

(Angelique steps closer to King Von Graves, as he holds out his hands.)

"Look at them closely girl. See the softness of his hands. If he had any blacksmithing skill at all...his hands would be rough from working the hot forge all day. Perhaps a few scars where he accidentally burnt himself."

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