part one - horror

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Welcome to Inside!

To start this journey off, I would like to present...



I was sat in class, staring into thin air.

God college was boring.

I started to look at people in the room. I wonder what people were truly like when alone. I thought about the ginger girl at the front with round glasses who everyone mocked, I bet she had some famous, online persona.

The boy next to me who always tried to ask me out, I imagined him going home and snuggling up to mommy. I laughed at myself.

"What's so funny beautiful." He turned to me, whispering.

God if he knew what I was thinking.

Mommy I missed you so much.

"Nothing." I spoke.

My teacher. She was a hopeless woman. In my opinion, she had a kind heart yet no body liked her. Her boobs looked like they had air pumped into them and then burst. Everyone and I mean everyone took the piss out of her. I could just hear the screams of students as she walked down the corridor. When she got home, I bet she wore attractive clothes and had a new man in her bed every night. In a good way.

The boy at the back, who had noir dreads, I bet he got home and jammed out alone. I hadn't talked to him a lot, however I knew he was a prick. I had a run in once with him, he started to shout at me because I accidentally walked into an open locker and it slammed into his shoulder.

"You should be more careful you stupid slut. God your not even hot enough to be a clumsy bimbo."

My spine shivered. He was known to be a dick to everyone he ran into, resulting in his tiny friend group. I don't even know how they tolerated him. His twin, Bill, was a very shy boy. However, he was an angel. So different to his brother. Bill helped me once when I lost my notebook. I talked to Bill quite often, only for a short period of time but I always greeted him when I would see him.

"Miss Monroe? Are you paying attention?" My teacher called out, looking over to me. People turned around, piercing their eyes into my soul. I nodded.

"Okay. Anyways class..." She went on rambling.

What was the point of calling on me if you didn't have anything to say? Thirty minutes before the bell was due to ring for fifth period, my teacher announced an important message.

"Next lesson, you will be with a partner, working on a project. I have already assigned these partners so please stand up and move to where I sit you and your partner."

We all stood up and waited for our names to be read out. One by one, names were read out. Some positive outcomes, others negative.

"Oh miss please not her." The boy who sat next to me said as he got put with the ginger girl at the front.

"Miss Monroe and Mr Kaulitz." Oh for fuck sake.

I looked over to him to see him already looking. He rolled his eyes, moving to our designated spot. I pulled out my chair and sat down.

"You may talk amongst yourselves and wait for the bell seems as you are all children and this simple task took twenty minutes." She spoke.

I put my face on the desk.

"Oh please I'm not happy either." He spat. I sat up, scowling at him. Tom was hot, however his personality ruined it.


I had lived in Germany my whole life, however my mum was English and my dad was french. So I think you can imagine how bilingual I was. Learning German, French and English all at once when I came out of the womb was stressful but I ended up mastering.


I could feel his eyes lingering on me as I looked out of the window, my back facing him.

Ring Ring

I stood up and practically legged it out of the door. I could not stay another five minutes with that bastard.


The rest of the school day went like a breeze. I arrived home and went straight to my bedroom. Hopping into bed, I snuggled into my cold duvet and opened Twitter. I scrolled through endless tweets, not really paying attention.

Until, a post caught my eyes. My jaw dropped. Why was there porn on my feed? The video was titled, 'Late night pleasure'. I nearly gipped. It was a video of a boy playing with his downstairs area.

I hadn't really gotten to anywhere like that before. Well no, I had touched myself, however I had never had sex. I had kissed lots of boys and even given a blowjob but that's about it.

I clicked on the video. It intrigued me. How could somebody wank, record it and upload it to a public site. I scrolled through endless comments.

"God I want you"
"You are so big!!"
"Making both lips wet"

Fucking hell. There were thousands of more comments exactly like these.

I continued watching the video, my eyes raised as he made noises. He moved the camera angle up to you could only see his lips and hair.

Wait. I froze.

The hair looked a familiar colour and style. Braids?

His lip was also decorated by a lip ring. My jaw dropped as I clicked onto his profile.

I needed to prove my questioning.

I scrolled down until I saw a video titled something in German, which translated to, "How about I come in your bed tonight?".

This had to be enough. He was German, He had a lip ring and braids. Black braids. It had to be him. But, I never thought of him like that? From what he was like in College, he was a prick but a prick who was really good at guitar. I always thought he got home, locked himself in his room and played guitar. All night. Not filming himself, touching himself.

Horror washed over me. I clicked on another video, now interested. To say the least, his size was big. God that must make up for his small personality. I just could not believe this information I had just found out. My mind was in a too many different places so I decided to stop stalking his porn account and take a nap.


"Baby, it's 9:30. Me and your father are going to bed. Your dinner is downstairs but I didn't want to wake you hun." My mum said as she stroked a loose hair out my face.

I woke up in a pool of sweat and a massive headache.

"Mama can you open the window please before you leave." I said as I woke myself up.

My mum walked over to the window and let a freezing breeze in. I breathed in the fresh air. She kissed my forehead and walked out. I wasn't really hungry so I decided to go get medicine for my head and then properly get ready for bed.

I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling. I was pained with what I should do. Do I tell him? But that's embarrassing. I won't mention it. But then it'll eat me up from the inside. I did not sleep the whole night.

  Inside - Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now