Chapter 4

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"Gotham City.

Goku was masquerading as a group of drug traffickers in cold blood, torturing them as he pleased, since he enjoyed doing so.

After that massacre, he left the scene to collect his reward.

Upon returning to his apartment to remove his armor, he was suddenly embraced from behind. Goku turned around and greeted Death.

Goku: "Hello, Death. How have you been? I thought you weren't going to come." (He said it with a half-smile).

Death: "How did you think I was going to miss this? You are my precious friend."

(Over time, their friendship grew stronger.)

Death: "Tell me, how did things go at work? Did you have fun?" (She said it with a smile).

Goku: "To be honest, not really. Nothing interesting has happened in a long time, and there's no one strong enough to provide a challenge." (He said it while gently separating from the hug).

Death: "Even though it seems he had some trouble with Superman."

Goku: "Yeah, if Batman and his ki can surpass this commotion, it appears they are facing each other. But I wonder how Batman can hold his own when the difference in power is so significant."

Death: "Not everything is about power. He may have found a weakness. Believe it or not, that guy is intelligent."

Goku: "I see. It sounds entertaining. I think I'll go watch them. Maybe something will catch my attention."

Death: "Of course," she said.

"Well, see you tomorrow, Goku," Death said, preparing to give him a hug.

At first, it seemed strange to him, but in the end, he accepted it since he seemed to enjoy it.

"Hahaha, well, see you tomorrow," Goku replied, disappearing with his suit.

Death: "You know it's rude to eavesdrop on conversations."

From the shadows appeared one of the Eternal Seven, Destiny, the strongest of his siblings.

Destiny: "Sister, you know it's forbidden to talk or interact with that man. He possesses great power that could cause us trouble."

Death: "You know I won't do that. Besides, Goku is my precious friend, and you, as well as my brothers, know that as long as you don't mess with him, nothing will happen to you."

Destiny: "You're just upset because you can't foresee destiny."

Destiny sighed and said, "Well, but you know the risks," before disappearing.

With Goku,

He watched the confrontation between Batman and Superman and muttered, "You're very interesting, Batman" (without anyone overhearing him).

But Superman, with his superhearing, turned to look in Goku's direction, only to be struck by Batman at that moment.

And so, the fight continued.

From this point onwards, everything that happened in the movie Batman vs. Superman occurred until the part where they created Doomsday.

Luthor: "Yes, at last!"

At that moment, Doomsday was about to attack Luthor, but Superman arrived, and the fight began. Goku observed this and realized that the abomination had almost the same power as Superman.

As the fight progressed, Doomsday grew stronger with each impact until Wonder Woman arrived, providing significant help in the battle.

A few minutes later, Superman was about to sacrifice himself when he heard applause.

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