6 | Aurora

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By the time I woke up, we had arrived at our destination.

After getting off the plane and then collecting our luggage-well, my luggage-Adrian received a text from his brother Christian that he needed to be somewhere. So, Adrian apologized that he couldn't come along to drop me off at the hotel that he had booked earlier for my stay. He booked the cab for me and gave the driver the name of the hotel along with other details while he took off in his car with his driver.

I was okay with going on my own since I would feel less threatened if he did not come along with me, but still less.

As I reached and checked into the hotel, my senses perked up. I was now roaming around the suite, looking for any hidden cameras or voice recording devices already planted. I looked in all corners of the room like a rat looking for its luck meal, checked the painting that was hanging on the wall above my bed's headboard, and then thoroughly searched for the same planted devices in the washroom.

It took me an hour to check the whole suite thoroughly. It was so big that it could fit five people in it easily, and there would still be space left. I wondered what the family did for a living so that they were able to book such a lavish suite just for their brother's therapist.

After I was completely satisfied that there was nothing suspicious about the place, I took a quick shower and called my mom to tell her that I had arrived safely before ordering something to eat. By the time I was done, it was dark outside. Since I didn't want to sleep, I decided to take a stroll outside.

Coming outside, I saw that despite the dark and chilly weather, people were present on the streets in such a large crowd. It was like the city was still working in the daylight. A faint smile spread across my face while I looked at all these people who were roaming around and having fun with their loved ones without any fear or haunting memories of the past.

I envied them.

But soon my little moment of happiness was abruptly stopped when someone passed beside me, basically shoving me aside by hitting their shoulder on me. It was so hard that I was literally about to fall on my face.

As I gathered myself and looked above to see who the rude person was, I realized that the said person, who was a 'he', was on his phone and didn't even look at me as if nothing had happened. But then he looked at me, and our eyes met. I smiled unintentionally, thinking that he would at least say sorry. But the words that came from his mouth were the complete opposite.

"Look ahead while walking."

My jaw dropped.

Not only was he the one who wasn't looking where he was walking, but he had the audacity to tell me as if it was my fault that I bumped into him.

My blood was boiling at this point. I scoffed loud enough for him to hear me, and he rolled his eyes while starting to walk away.

No bitch, not on me.

"Hey you!" I called, and he stopped in his tracks. "Yes, you, you jerk!" I called again, a lot louder, to give him confirmation that I was calling for him.

He turned around, and his eyes were dark as he gave me a death glare. I gulped looking into them; I don't know why they were making me nervous.

"What? Never had someone call you a jerk before? Because that's what you seem to be." I glared back, my chest rising and falling heavily due to the anger I had right now. But his expressions were calm; only his eyes remained dark.

I rolled my eyes this time and turned around to walk away, but as soon as I did, I felt a strong tug at my arm, and the next second someone was dragging me with them.

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