36 | Aurora

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There is one reality that I can no longer ignore in light of all that happened between us yesterday and everything that has happened since we first met.

I didn't want to be only his therapist, nor was I just that for him.

He must have acted badly in the past for his therapists to leave, but because of my line of work, I have a very strong judgement of human behavior, and he is being sincere with me this time.

I understood what he meant last night when he said he wanted to tell me everything about himself. Even though I could still see hesitation in his eyes, his demeanour indicated that he was willing to talk about it.

But I understood that maybe he still needs some time. So, I told him that he could have all the night to think about it once again and take all the time he needed because I wasn't going anywhere anymore.

I realized how much he means to me and how much I need him as much as he needs me when he was gone away from me, and this time, I won't push him away.

When I woke in the morning, I didn't see Jade anywhere as I came downstairs in the living room. Adrian had already left for some official work somewhere, as he told me before leaving, and he also said that Christian would arrive by late tonight.

But my focus was only on Jade.

I knew he may deny it again, as much as I wanted to know everything there was to know about him.

Some things elicit strong emotions in us when we discuss them, but when we give them some thought, we find ourselves going back to where we were before.

I asked him to consider it because of the same reason. I didn't want him to come to regret any quick choices he might have made.

"Serve his breakfast as well; I'll take it to his room for him." I asked Dororthy after I was done eating mine. She smiled and started plating his food.

"Thank you." Smiling, I grab his breakfast tray and head upstairs to his room. I wanted this to make it work as much as possible, but I still needed to maintain my calm around Jade because of his mood swings.

"Jade?" I knock at his door.


"I brought you breakfast." 

More silence.

So, this is the choice he made.

Sighing, my feet turn around to leave, but I halt in my steps when the lock clicks open. I turn my head and find Jade standing with a smile on his face.

"I am sorry, Ocean. I had to wear something before opening the door."

My eyes widened a little, and he saw it clearly since that innocent smile was now morphing into a sly smirk.

"Unless." His hands tuck at the hem of his t-shirt. "You want to see me naked."

Heat scorched through me, turning my face hot.

"Nice way of wishing good morning." I scoff and push the X-rated images of us from last night and the things that could have happened after that away from my mind.

"You are right." He takes hold of my arm and pulls me in toward him. "It should be like this." He gives my head a kiss. "Good morning, Ocean." He continues, then kisses me firmly on my lips.

The wings of the butterflies tingled my skin as they danced in my stomach.

Gazing into his eyes as he maintained eye contact with me, all I could think of was his touch on me that made me crave more, his lips and mouth tracing the lines of my body, his tongue that made me scream with ecstasy....

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