Nicky's Makeover

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You grin as you round the corner into Nicky's cube, pleased to see she's alone. She's sat on her bed, back to the wall with one leg propped up, a magazine in her hands.
Her eyes light up as she sees you,
"Come for the latest celebrity drama?" She lowers her leg.
"Let's see," she continues, turning the page and running her finger along it, "Kim spotted with mystery man," she reads aloud in a dramatic valley girl accent, a smile playing on her lips.

"I'm giving you a makeover." You announce, as you approach her.
"Are you now?" She raises her brows, folding the magazine.
"Mhmm." You nod, straddling her without hesitation. Her eyes widen in response and her hands automatically find your hips. She tries to suppress her smirk.
"And what makes you think I need a makeover?" She asks, looking up at you.
"I recently inherited some... cosmetic contraband from a departed sister and i thought you would be the perfect guinea pig."
"Who, Williams?"
You nod, holding up a liquid eyeliner.
Her eyes focus on the bottle, "Christ."
You grin, brushing a curl from her face and twisting the lid open.
"No squirming now," you say, analysing her eyelids.
"Hey, I'm no squirmer." She's watching you carefully, "Just don't take my eye out."
You rest your fingertips under her jaw and tilt her head back. Her hands run up to your waist.
"Okay, close your eyes."
"Yes ma'am." She surprisingly complies, breathing steadily. You lean in, shaping out the first wing, her breath soft and warm against you, her thumbs gently stroking your sides.
You layer the black line over the dark smudge of her own makeup, noticing her typical clumpy eyelashes as they lay closed against her skin, suddenly feeling very intimate.
You notice faint freckles scattered across her cheeks that you've never made out before. Your fingers find her neck and gently tilt her head the other way so you can start the second wing.

"You have freckles." You state, filling the silence.
"Oh yeah," your eyes flit to her lips as she speaks, "The sun draws 'em outta me," She's mumbling as to try not to move her face much,
"It's like nothing on me tans except these little fuckers." Her nose scrunches ever so slightly, in reference.
"hm," you muse, concentrating on her eyeliner again, "I never noticed before."
"Clearly you've not been close enough then." She says provocatively, her hands running down to your hips again as she speaks.
"I dunno," You murmur, "I've been pretty close."This draws a cheeky smile from her.

You finish the second wing,
"Look at me." You instruct. Her eyes flick open, adjusting to focus on your face.
You lean back slightly to see if the liner's even.
"Hmm." You notice a mishap and start using your thumb to wipe it away, your hand resting on her cheek. Her eyes flit across your face as you tidy, hands gently rubbing circles against you.
You finish, leaning back, resting your arms on her shoulders to get a better view. She's quiet for a moment taking you in.
"How'd I look?" She asks with the trace of a smile.
"Hmmm there's something missing,"
She furrows her brows and you brandish a lipstick in front of her. She squints at it.
"Oh God." She looks at you.
"If that's red, it's not coming anywhere near me, do you hear me?" she warns, leaning away,
"I do not need a Monroe moment."
"Monroe?" You laugh, "I was thinking more... Courtney Love."
Her face considers.
"You know what, I'll take that." She nods in appreciation, still leaning away.
"It's not red. It's Mauve... I think."
She narrows her eyes before returning forward, reluctantly, into your touch, her hands meeting your thighs.

"So, uhhh, Stevie Nicks?" She cocks her head slightly.
"Sure we can go with that." You reply, she smiles, her eyes not leaving your face as you roll the lipstick up.
"Part your lips slightly." You command, looking down at her.
She holds your gaze for a beat, smiling ever so slightly, before doing as instructed. Her face staying still but her hands gently brushing against your thighs.
You slide the colour across her bottom lip, the cylinder pulling at the skin slightly, eyes trained to the movement. She watches you.
You tilt your own head this time to follow the lines of her upper lip, your hand on her neck, her hands around your waist again.
Her cupids bow is quite even and doesn't take much concentration to trace, but you draw your face close anyway. You can feel her breath and her chest, softly rising and falling, her dark eyes flitting across your face.
You use your thumb to smudge the edges slightly and lean back to take in the full picture, your hands resting either side of her neck.
The sound of footsteps advance down the bunks.
"Oh yeah." You say.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, you look hot." You nod sincerely. Her lips tug upwards.
"Sorry, I didn't catch that could you say it again?"
She smiles cheekily, her warm hands moving up your waist under your top, pulling you closer, skin meeting skin.
"Get a room, Nichols." You hear Boo's voice from behind you as she walks past, you glance over your shoulder, grinning.
"Hey, this is my fuckin room" Nicky calls after her. The footsteps recede down the hall. Her eyes meet yours again. She shakes her head, smiling.
"I said, you look..." You trail off as she pulls you against her lips. She's soft beneath you, her hands slowly caress your back and sides, her fingers lightly tracing you.
You sink your hands into the base of her hair, deepening the kiss, waves of tension flowing through you.
"Mm," You say against her mouth, pulling away slightly to look at her, before meeting her lips again.
"Your lipstick," You manage between kisses.
She pulls away for air, grinning, the ashy color smudged around her mouth.
"Good thing I like a grunge look." Her eyes fall you your lips and she laughs.
"What is it on me?" You ask your hand sliding against her jaw. Her eyes flit between yours.
"Yeah," She's smiling, she looks at your lips again.
"Juust, here." A hand leaves your torso and meets your jaw as she wipes her thumb across your lower lip, her eyes glancing to yours as she does. A smile plays on her lips.
"Mm and here," She leans in and kisses you by your mouth,
"and here," she kisses the dip just below your lips,
"and here." Her mouth meets yours again, her hand sliding round to the back of your neck.
"Mmm." You murmur again, kissing her back.
Her other hand slowly travelling down to your ass and giving it a light squeeze.
"I think it's nearly count," You say as someone else walks past.
"Can't be," she says passively, "I haven't even reached for your waistband yet." You smile against her, another two sets of footsteps passing by.
"Fuck's sake." She says, pulling away,
"Norma's gonna appear and stand there like the fucking Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come."
You snort slightly and go to step off her but she pulls your face back in for one last kiss.
"Okay, now you can go." She says.
You stand and walk towards the exit.
"But as soon as count's over we're picking this up right where we left off." She calls after you, running a hand through her hair.
You spin round and stick your tongue between your fingers. She grins wickedly.
"Oh," you say, noticing her face, "you might wanna," You gesture to your face.
"Ah," she says turning to her cabinet for a wipe, just as Norma rounds the corner.
"Hey Oddjob," you nod to her as you leave.
"Time for count ladies!"
You cross the hall to your cube.

{was this too sappy?? lmk, i need feedback}

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