Electrical Arrangements

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"How goes the work?" You ask, swinging your legs over the bench opposite Nicky. She's fiddling with a broken microwave, disarranged cables are tumbling out the back - it's not going well.
She glances up at you, "Ehh, it goes." Her brows furrow in concentration, her lips slightly parted.
"Luschek told me to check on you." You say raising a brow.
"I don't think he trusts you." You state.
"You can tell him I'm doing an impeccable job." She says, looking up, tongue in cheek.
"Yeah, I can see that." You say, nodding sarcastically, your eyes falling to the microwave crumbling before her on the desk.
"Well," she glances up at you, then back at the electronics, "nothing's blown up," She pokes at the back of it with a screwdriver, "yet."
You smile and cross your legs, starting to pick at your nails. You're bored. Chapman has been droning on at you about GEDs and educational something-or-other and your brain needs cool down time.
"Can you get me some, uhhh, pliers." Nicky says, interrupting your train of thought, her eyes not leaving the microwave.
"Mhmm," You push yourself from the table and head for the tool rack.
"Pliers please." You say leaning through the gap in the metal enclosure and smiling sweetly at Tricia.
"Sure thing." She says, turning round to the apparatus board. You look back at Nicky, she's watching you, elbow on the table, leaning back in her chair. She has an almost satisfied expression on her face. You shake your head, turning back round to take the pliers.
"Hey, uh, College didn't mention anything about my appeal to you did she?" Tricia asks, sitting back down.
"No, but I'm sure she's taking it very seriously."
You say, glancing at Piper who's pouring over the lamp instructions, tracing the words with her finger.
"Yeah." Tricia nods. "I'm sure it's safe with her." She scratches her neck.
"You'll get it." You reassure her.
"I didn't see you write her name down!" Luschek calls across the room, lifting his head from the table.
"Jesus." She sighs, "two fucking seconds."
You nod to her before wandering back to Nicky's work station.
"Last I checked, your legs worked perfectly fine." You say, holding the pliers out for her.
"You see how I have you wrapped around my little finger?" She holds down her grin, brushing her fingers against yours as she takes them from you.
You shake your head, glancing at her hand. She only grins in response, leaning down to work on the microwave. You sit back down, resting your chin in your hands as you watch her work. She glances at you, then back to the Microwave.
She tries to use the pliers to twist the exposed wire ends. Her attempt failing miserably, she pulls at them with her fingers, suddenly jumping away, receiving an electric shock and loudly dropping the pliers to the ground.
"Fucking hell!"
You snort out loud, your hand flying to cover your mouth. Her eyes widen. You continue laughing.
"Your hair would be standing on end if it didn't look like that naturally." You say doubled over.
She looks at you, trying not to laugh and failing miserably.
"Shut up." She chortles, shaking her head and running a hand through her hair.
Your eyes fall to the plug socket.
"Why is it plugged in?"
"Huh?" She leans to see it before hastily pulling it out and scratching her head,
"What are you talking about it's not," she's trying not to laugh, "what do you take me for, an idiot?"
You scoff, "Jesus Nichols you could have died."
She leans down to pick up the pliers.
"Not a word of this to anyone," she points them in your direction.
"Oh?" You cock your head to the side playfully, she eyes you,
"and what if word should... slip?"
Her eyes roam your face, sucking her teeth.
"Then I suppose I'd have to," Her leg touches yours under the table "uh, reward your confidentiality."
You watch her face.
"Hm," you don't move your leg away, "and how would you do that?"
Her eyes trail down to your mouth.
"I have some, uh," she bites her lip, her eyes look back to yours, "pot noodles I could give you."
You kick her under the table, you can tell she's pleased with herself from her smirk.
"You're a menace."
"Mhmm, I give Dennis a run for his money." She looks back at you, her leg returning to rest against yours. You shake your head, eyeing her and standing up to leave.
"So, uh, you wanna go to the chapel after this?" She pipes up quickly.
"You store your pot noodles in the chapel?" You grin, dishing it back.
"Oh, I was thinking we could go for some not so quiet prayer." She smirks, watching you.
"Only if I get that pot noodle after."
"It's a date." She winks.

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