From Ballerinas to Showgirls

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"Welcome to Las Vegas, I want to reflect on StarPower last week. Some of you did really well- however as a whole, not so great." Not at all a dig at all at Brooke and Brandon but totally. Plus Vivi-Anne is in deep trouble cause she hasn't been here for two weeks now.

Chloe                                              Maddie
McKinna Brooke Nia 
Paige Mackenzie Vivi-Anne 

I raise my hand and Miss Abby looks at me. "Yes, McKinna, I will be allowing you to perform 'Padam Padam'. But I expect it to be perfect and without error. And without Maddie competing a solo, to be your competition, you must win. Without a doubt." Chloe runs over and hugs me. Something inside of me says the Miss Abby wants me to be annoyed at Chloe, for being on the top and me being on the middle. But I don't think I could be ever mad at Chloe Bird. She's too kind. 

Chloe, Paige, Nia and Brooke have solos to. I love Brooke's solo, which is the first dance Miss Abby teaches. As much as Brooke thinks otherwise, she is still totally one of Abby's favorites. She just isn't as much now because she wants to be a cheerleader, which would be kinda a waste of talent cause she is such a natural born acrobat and is really good at some contortion stuff as well. Plus, she is super good at jazz. After that, we tackle the group dance, 'Sinful', which is really cool and dark. It's super mature and I think that is why I like it so much. 

"I really like the group dance," Maddie tells us as we go into Dancer's Den while Paige runs over her acrobatic solo, 'Tounge Twister'. Nia, Chloe and I all nod, while Brooke scrolls on her phone and appears sad. She shows us a picture of her school friends in their cheerleading uniforms. Dammit, the producers of the show would have loved this. 

"All of them are school cheerleaders, and they want me to go to a game with them on competition day. I asked mom a while ago and she said no." she sighs, before going back to scrolling. Mads and I just look at each other and sigh as well. Brooke clearly isn't as in to dance as much anymore, which means there is an even harder drive for us to work harder because she won't be putting as much passion into dance as she used to and that could risk the team's 'stability' with Miss Abby.

"MCKINNA, GET IN HERE!" Abby yells from Studio A. I wave to the girls and run inside. "Okay, McKinna. No competition from Maddie, a routine you've had for over a week and your solo is jazz, one of your best styles. This routine needs to get over 290 points at least. You need to get a perfect score this season at least once. I don't care what you have to do, when you do it, but you must get it. Understand me?" I nodded slowly, processing. It took me two seasons last time to get a perfect score and even Maddie is yet to recieve one. None of the others on the team have got one before either. And even the senior dancers struggle to get such a high score. It'd be rare.

You look like fun to me 
You look a little like somebody I know
And I can tell you how this ends 

The music finishes and I'm in my finishing pose, my hands making a heart shape at my hip and head titled back, my face in a wink. Abby clapped.

"See, I knew it was the right decision to wait a week, Gia, look, this solo will average at least a 295 if not more. But McKinna, you need to make sure you are portraying the right emotion on your face and that any gestures you make are precise. Let's go over that again, thanks." Miss Abby nodded her head in approval. Taking in the corrections, I started again and put a lot more effort in.

And we don't need to use our words
Wanna see what's underneath that T-shirt
Shivers and cold champagne

"Much better, Gia, don't you think? Well done, McKinna, just run through it once more, give it your all, imagine you're at a competition. And remember your technique!"

I hear it and I know
Padam, padam
I know you wanna take me home

My heart is pounding so loudly, I can barely breathe. My throat aches for water and my eyesight goes dizzy. Until I hear the clap. Miss Abby is standing up clapping loudly and pointing at mom to me. Gia runs over and hands me my water bottle as I'm frozen in the spot. Everything aches and I think I over stretched my legs, making sure my technique was perfect and my feet weren't sickled.

"McKinna, this is going to be one of the best jazz dances the Abby Lee Dance Company has produced if you can dance it like you just did. Just remember to make sure your eyes speak the emotion, throw yourself into character, you're telling a story." Mom comes down, as Abby has gestured at her. "Melissa, did you see what Kinna just did?" Mom nodded as I gasped. The only team dancer who was nicknames by Abby was Maddie because no one called her Madison. "I'm going to a masterclass on Friday and I want to take her. She will perform 'Cry' and 'Padam Padam'. As Maddie is sitting out this week, there is no need for her to come along either. Mackenzie, though, I want to come along, and participate. I'm frustrated that she hasn't had a solo this season and only duets with Vivi-Anne."

Thanking Abby and Gia, I run back into the Dancer's Den. I'm going to a masterclass hosted by Abby with Kenzie and Abby reckons this is one of the best jazz routines ALDC has produced is like living in a dream, like living in Maddie's world.

-Two Days To Competition-

So, in a surprise turn of events, not only has Miss Abby taken us out of the studio to a cafe but she has also given Mackenzie and I a duet entitled 'Welcome to Wonderland'. It isn't being aired on the show for this episode, the producers said, as it was a dance unplanned for this week, however, if we win here, Miss Abby said we can do the duet at Nationals. Plus, I've never done a dance with Kenzie just the two of us or in a trio. 

"Chocolate sundae with extra chocolate on top and whipped cream and triple chocolate drizzle and raspberries on top." I raise my hand as the waiter finishes my order. He places it in front of me and man, it looks like heaven. Kenzie is sitting next to me and I offer her some of my sundae.

"Oh my god, why does that taste so good?" she asks, her small eyes widened. I look at her shocked.

"Have you never had the McKinna Sundae Special?" she shook her head, "I have done a poor job in raising you, young sibling. Here, have this and I will eat your plain vanilla ice cream with strawberry sauce. Such odd taste." My refined fake speaking makes Chloe and Paige, who are sharing a sundae next to us, burst into a fit of laughter, which makes the whole table look at them weird, which makes the whole cafe look at them weird.

"I'm regretting all of my life decisions of plain ice cream right now." Kenzie sighs happily as the sundae is moved in front of her. Maddie frowns at her. "Except for Maddie's Vanilla Ice Cream Cake." The frown turns around.

"Speaking of dance, Kinna, Mackenzie, I expect you straight back into the studio after this and rehearsing all night until Kinna's solo private and the group dance rehearsal." And what has gone from a fun, exciting evening of no dance and Miss Abby being a normal human, we have dance focused maniac. Plus, poor Kenzie never works that much because she never has anything to work on and now she has to spend an all nighter. And we've got the masterclass tomorrow. "If all goes well, I'd like you to perform it at the masterclass as well." Man, two solos and a duet being presented at a masterclass, a competition that I have to get a near perfect score at and a vanilla ice cream instead of a chocolate sundae for lunch. 

This week is going to be tough

-One Day To Competition-

Miss Abby decided she wanted mom to stay with Maddie while we were at the masterclass so now Kenzie and I were sitting in Abby's car on our way to the other side of New York. There are crowds everywhere when we arrive, and a couple of news reporters. I've said from the start that Miss Abby is one of the most respected and sought after dance teachers in the world. 

"Abby, Abby, this way please!" someone managed to get us through into the building. "The interviewers are waiting and then once that is done, there should be about fifteen minutes until the masterclass." Miss Abby thanked them and Kenzie and I shyly waved. What can I say, we still have no clue who this person is and mom always says stranger danger. Miss Abby always says 'everyone is replaceable'. Except for Maddie, even though she explicitly never says that. Which kind of means we are safe to cause the Zieglers are a package deal.

"Abby, wonderful, you're here. Now, we have a minute till we are live, so if you just set yourselves up on the couch next to our host and we will be ready to go." Kenzie and I follow Abby to the counch, unsure what to do, until she pats on the couch impatiently and tells us to sit down. Are we being interviewed as well? I've never been on a live television show before. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and we are live!"

"Hello and welcome to today's show. Today we have the famed Miss Abby Lee Miller,  a highly sought after dance instructor and owner of the Abby Lee Dance Company, as well as one of the most influential dance teachers in the world. Hello Abby," Miss Abby smiles at him and says it back, "Now, I'm sure everyone would love to know who the two lovely ladies sitting next to you are." Abby nudged us and I quickly started to introduce us.

"I'm McKinna and this is my younger sister, Mackenzie and we are part of the ALDC Elite Junior Competition Team." I can see Mackenzie is tense and I grab her hand. 

"So McKinna and Mackenzie are basically the best of the best eight and under dancers you can fin din the dance network, Abby?"

"I'd say pretty much so. McKinna recently was signed to a Telsey+Company agent and has won a few titles this season, as well as after the season is over, there is a chance she will be attending an audition for the Annie musical. Unfortunately, Mackenzie is currently a bit young to compete at most competitions, however, I see a lot of potential in her as a jazz acrobatic dancer and contributes a large part to our group dances that are known for being undefeatable around the United States. Not to mention, she is a great singer and we are hoping potentially in a few season to come to potentially release a single or album for her. Plus, McKinna's twin, Maddie, who couldn't make it today, was undefeated last season and is also being signed to a Telsey+Company agent."

"Wow, so you girls must feel the pressure a lot. McKinna, Mackenzie, how does it feel to know when you enter a competition, everyone's target is to beat you?"

"Well, I don't know about Kenzie, but I feel honoured. It makes me have a drive to work forward for success and perform my best. Sometimes though, it can be a little hard, because you just want to show off to everyone what you can do. But dance is our lives and I think it would be really hard to live without it. I can't imagine us without dance. Kenzie?"

"It can feel pressuring sometimes, to know we have to do our best and if that isn't good enough, there is nothing to hide behind, we've been bested, but I agree with Kinna that dance is our lives and to know we are the target feels pretty good." I squeeze her hand, smiling. Who knew my little sister was such a performer?

"What a lovely sisterly relationship, I wish I could've had that as a kid." we were cued to laugh, even though that was plain cringe, even though true, "Now, Abby..."

We were asked a few more questions but it was pretty easy going. And then it was time for the masterclass. Kenzie and I sat waiting in the lobby holding onto some plastic cups of water. We didn't speak, because we were both really nervous. What happens if we mess up? Abby would be so mad, because it is a masterclass.

"McKinna, Mackenzie, follow me." Okay, no more nicknames, it is time for the serious business. We followed her in to the room and about fifty people stood in front of us. "Hello, everyone, as you know, I'm Abby Lee Miller. I'm one of the most sought after dance instructors in the world and lucky for you today, I will be leading you through a masterclass today. I have two of my most promising dancers, McKinna and Mackenzie, who are both in my Elite Junior Competition Team. Mackenzie will be joining you today, front right and center. By the end of today, we will have a group routine, formations and the best dancers. Remember, do well today and if a spot ever comes up, you have a chance to join the competition team at ALDC, become a student or join the senior company. Remember that. Everyone is replaceable."

The masterclass took off and Kenzie did really well. Abby kept complimenting her but unfortunately, my eyes were too trained on another dancer to give her my full support. There was a boy, in the middle of the group, and he was phenomenal. His technique was perfect and he was graceful and demanding all at the same time. Abby ushered me over and I bounced up, winking at Kenzie as I go by.

"You." she pointed at the boy who I'd been watching, "What is your name?" 

"Alejandro, Miss Miller." he responded. He must take voice lessons.

"McKinna, where do you think we should put him?" Oh god, Miss Abby, this was embarassing. 

"Next to Kenzie, swapped with the tall girl on the right." She was good, but he was better. 

"Well, go on then." The girl switched with him and Alejandro smiled at me. I hide my blush and instead looked at the girl who was now scowling at me. Sorry. "Now, some of you are just lacking a bit. So luckily, McKinna has prepared a lyrical solo, a jazz solo and her and Mackenzie will be showing you a contemporary routine, as we are doing a dance combining those three styles. Remember that contrast. Now, McKinna, 'Cry' first please."

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