Out With The Old, In With The New

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This week... well, this week I'm a bit distraught honestly. Mom won't let Mads, Mack Z and I go to dance and after all the drama that is happening, this is honestly the last thing I need. First, the season started off with two members gone and two new ones. Second, Miss Abby saying tht we were nearly nowhere as good as we were back at Nationals. Third, I'm sitting in the ALDC carpark, literally not allowed to move from the seat while the moms and Kelly discuss about themselves and how they want a raise for being on the show. Yeah me too, after all, I am the one of the ones dancing, hello?

So yeah, Chloe and the rest of us Zieglers are hiding in Christi's car because our one is hot and stuffy and mom refuses to waste battery by keeping it on and having the air conditioner going. However, Christi was prepared and we have like, five fans going in the car. On the dark side, the moms took our phones so we couldn't tweet or post on Instagram any of the drama, so we have been playing clapping games.

For the past three hours. I have no idea why none of us are allowed to go into the studio, but the moms think they're brilliant and are having a 'silent protest'. Have they all forgotten that all of us are 'replaceable'? Hello?

But that isn't even the worse part about today. Yup. Jandro is missing. Antonio refused to partake in this protest, speaking in rapid Italian that none of us could understand. So now, not only am I mad at one of my best friends, I can't dance and I can see Miss Abby coming towards the carpark. I might honestly cry.

"Abby's coming." Jill dramatically whispers and Kendall, Nia, Paige and Brooke all send us worried looks from Kelly's car as the moms shut the doors and we al clamber to hide. Oh no, this is gonna be bad.

"Someone put the window down a bit." Maddie quietly speaks and I nod at Chloe. Despite being scared for our lives, none of us could turn down a piece of good gossip.

"You're replaced! That's it! You're finished." Miss Abby screams at them and this time, I roll up the window, leaning over Chloe. My eyes begin to water and I wipe them.

I worked so, so hard last season to be like Maddie, irreplaceable. I now have two perfect scores under my belt since the start of Dance Moms and two National titles, as well as a series of others. Finally, when I start making progess, Alejandro joins the team and I feel like Miss Abby values me, the moms take it away. What did I do?

"Can we go home now?" Maddie asks as she puts an arm around me, all of us crawling out of the car once Miss Abby finishes, my eyes puffy and red.

"Yeah, it's over girls, let's go." Mom says and we walk over to our car and hop in the backseat. Kenzie lays her head in my lap and we are about to leave, just waiting on Mads to put her seatbelt on when a police siren echoes around the ALDC carpark. 

Mom deals with it and we all just stare at each other in astonishment. Eight years of dance and six years at the ALDC had just been thrown down the drain. Miss Abby literally called the police on us. The second we left the carpark, my eyes began to water again and I collapsed against the door crying.

How could Miss Abby and the moms do this to us?

-The Next Day-

This morning, mom was busy so Greg dropped us Ziegler girls at our primary school, Sloan Elementry School, which is in Murrysville, near Pittsburgh. I still wish mom would just let us be homeschooled but she hasn't budged yet. Plus half the time we only do school from 9-11 and 2-4 and have dance in the middle. It'd probably be cheaper to homeschool us either way.

But since we don't to dance at the moment, it is a whole school day for us Zieglers. I've already had Chemistry, Spanish and English, so I've never been more grateful for a lunch break. Mom even remembered a lunch for me today! I guess without Miss Abby's stress she is benefitting too. Or maybe Maddog reminded her today. I don't know.

"Hey Kinna." Maddie waves at me as I slink into our private spot behind the trees in the corner of the school. Everyone knows we sit there but nobody wants to get on our bad side 'cause we are on a reality TV show. "I can see Paige, Josh and Kenzie coming over now."

I give my twin the brightest smile I can possibly give when dance is being taken away from me and grab out an apple. Mom always packs me healthy food, but this time it is because I ask her too. For dance, I always had to be the perfect dancer. Now... I don't really know.

"Hiya!" Paigey Mack exclaims as she takes her regular spot in the middle of the group. She is so cheerful, but even I can see through the bright face she is putting on today. Paige misses dance just as much as us Zieglers do. "Spanish sucks, I don't even know how you pass it Kinny." I shrug my shoulders, hiding my small smile behind my loose hair.

Today, I decided to work some very light pink jeans with a black turtleneck. The only reason I wore colour was because mom said I looked too gloomy. Which fits my mood perfectly, so I don't see the issue.

"She only tries in it because mom won't let us dance if we don't do well at school." Kenzie interrupts as she munches down on a bar of chocolate, the one treat we get in our lunches. "Not that it really matters." 

"Josh, Paige, you guys realize this is your last year here, right? You're leaving us comrades behind for high school." Maddie quickly changes the subject, clearly seeing the moody expression on my face. Any more talk about dance and I might cry again like yesterday. 

"Yeah, even better news, my grades are finally at the point where next year, I'll be in the year level I'm supposed to be in." Josh toothily smiles at us. I'm glad Josh isn't like Alejandro- I can trust Josh to not leave me in the dust. I feel mad just thinking about my so called best friend.

"Did you guys see who Miss Abby's new team is?" Paige changes the topic back to dance and yup, I feel my eyes preparing to puff. "Sorry, McKinna, if it upsets you I won't say anything."

"Nah, it's fine. I'd rather know."

Miss Abby has an entire new team- other than Jandro and Ally. She had Sophia Lucia, who is pretty much circulating at the minute in the dance world, Kaeli Ware, a really good jazz and ballet dancer, and Bella Hoffheins, an amazing lyrical dancer, almost to the point of rivaling Maddie. Ally and Sophia both have solos and now I'm really mad because you want to know what? Miss Abby just went and had the group name called 'Cry', and yes, I take that as offensive.

'Cry' is one of my most iconic solos ever and for Miss Abby to just toss it away and practically hand it to another team tears me apart. That was one of the only solos that has ever made me feel for a second that I was finally the favorite and she basically showed she doesn't give a damn about me or the other girls.

"Well, I don't know about you three, sorry Josh, but I'm not prepared to let Miss Abby win this battle." I stand up and Josh just shrugs. He's pretty used to our Miss Abby rants, he even expierenced them when he was a dancer, but he left for hockey. Josh even did a trio with Paige and Chloe!

"What, we go to the competition and compete against them?" Maddie asks me, her face mirrored with confusion. "Kin, I think that will upset you even more."

"Nah, it isn't half bad." Josh thinks for a minute. "If you could beat the new team, imagine the regret Abby would feel. But as much as I love you guys, Abby has choreographed National winning routines for years. It'd have to be an amazing dance."

"You guys need to think of a bigger picture. A competition isn't enough. We need to go somewhere where even non-dance people will see us." Paige scratches her chin and I nod.

"What about the mall? Then we can go shopping and see a movie and more importantly... chips!" Mack Z laughs as Josh 'tackles' her and starts a tickling war, which makes me laugh. The conversation doesn't continue but the idea doesn't leave my head. It could actually work you know.

Fighting fire with fire has always been considered a waste of time. After all, the flame is only going to get bigger. But maybe the fire doesn't have to be fire. Maybe it can be dance.

Man, I'm so metaphorical.

-The Next Day-

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