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It was a few days later. Amena had been reading outside when Cyfrin came home. It was weird. He was never home early.

"I need to talk to you," he said, dropping onto the ground next to her.

She closed her book, giving him her attention.

"I'm having a doctor come out here in about an hour."

Amena felt panic from her head to her toes. She clenched her fists as they immediately started to shake.

"I just want to make sure that you are okay," Cyfrin said. "or if there's anything I can do to make this better."

Amena sobbed. She hated the doctor. They were mean, and they didn't do anything to help her when she was hurt.

"It's okay," Cyfrin whispered. He took her hand, gently unclasping her fingers. "I'd never let anybody hurt you, Amena, but I can't sit here and do nothing when it's obvious you need help."

She pulled her hand away so she could dry her tears. She sniffled.


Dr. Amy was young, and she had a blinding smile that almost never faded.

Amena was sitting on the edge of the bed she had been sleeping on, waiting impatiently as the doctor gathered a few things.

Cyfrin wasn't in the room. He said if she needed him, he would come in, but he didn't want to influence what she might or might not tell the doctor.

Amena wished he was with her. It might've made it easier.

"Amena is such a pretty name," Dr. Amy complimented. "Do you mind stepping on this scale so I can get your weight?"

After that, the doctor took her blood pressure which squeezed her arm really tight. Amy listened to her heart with the stethoscope.

Dr. Amy took a seat on the bed next to her. "What do you normally eat during the day?"

"Cyfrin usually makes me breakfast," Amena answered quietly. "Sometimes I might try what he makes for dinner."

Dr. Amy nodded, writing something down. "Do you like Cyfrin?"

Amena shrugged. "He's nice."


Amena hesitated.

Dr. Amy gave her a much gentler smile. "Did your dad flip emotions a lot?"

She nodded.

"If Cyfrin ever got upset, even angry, he would never take that out on you," Dr. Amy said.

Amena soaked that information in.

Dr. Amy added, "I've also known Cyfrin for a long time."

That made Amena feel a little better.

"I would like to see you trying to eat a little more, okay?" Dr. Amy said. "Try to get three meals, even if you make them smaller. I'm going to tell Cyfrin to get you some vitamins as well, help get some nutrients in you."

Dr. Amy folded her file she was writing in. "Do you have a favorite food?"

"I like to eat anything Cyfrin makes," Amena admitted. He was an amazing cook. She just got too full. "He made me waffles one day."

"I love waffles," Dr. Amy agreed. "Did he put chocolate chips in them?"

Amena shook her head, and Dr. Amy gave a dramatic gasp. "Next time he makes them, you better demand chocolate chips."

Amena felt a smile, but she let it fade away.

The doctor smiled. "How do you feel about talking to a therapist, Amena?"

Amena shook her head no.

"Maybe give it some thought, or even talk to Cyfrin. You can't bottle things in, especially if you're experiencing anxiety."

Dr. Amy continued. "Getting to know Cyfrin might help as well. You're not trapped here. You're not his prisoner."

Dr. Amy gave her some good advice. Amena was exhausted by the time she left, and she immediately put on pajamas and got into bed.

Amena really had been expecting the worst when it came to Cyfrin. What if the worst never came? What if this is exactly who he is?

But maybe she didn't want this. There had to be more than just sitting in the house all day. Dr. Amy was right. She was a person. She should be out in the world living life.

The world was scary though, and full of people who could hurt her, like her father.

She was beginning to feel safe here. Safe around Cyfrin. She could say anything, and she could almost believe there wouldn't be any backlash.

Amena didn't know anything about him though. She didn't really know how to go about getting to know someone. It had always just been her and her thoughts.

What did she know about Cyfrin?

Nothing really. She had no idea what he did to be the debt collector for her father. She didn't know where he worked or anything like that.

She felt herself falling asleep, so she pulled the fluffy blankets high around her neck. She needed to get to know Cyfrin, and at least be open to the idea that maybe he was an okay person. He had been so good to her over the past few weeks. She owed him that much.

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