Bonus: Cyfrin's POV

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Cyfrin watched Amena bend over to place the tray of cookies into the oven.

"Cyfrin," she protested with a laugh when she turned to find his gaze fixated on her.

She was absolutely breathtaking. Her smile brightened all of her features, and he was hopelessly, ridiculously in love with her.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"You're friends are over. You shouldn't be in here watching me," she said.

She came to his side, settling against his chest. She was so soft, and her long hair was braided nicely over her back. He liked seeing her so relaxed, so free.

"Let's make them leave," he whispered, tilting her chin up so he could give her a kiss.

"We're already at dessert. It won't be much longer."

He hardly let her get the words out. He was addicted to her lips.

She placed her hand on his chest, and he sighed.

"I'd do anything for you," he said, and he meant it whole heartedly. From the minute he had laid eyes on her, he had the same protective instinct.

He remembered when he first saw her, when her father had brought her out in front of him, James and Xavier, treating her like she was some object instead of the lovely girl she was.

Her father was gripping her arm so tight, and she was absolutely panicked. She had such wide, fearful eyes, and it took a long time for that fear to fade. Now, her beautiful eyes shined with a happiness that he felt.

He remembered how hard it was to get her to eat. He was so worried when he went off to work. Amena had been so thin, and he considered the possibility that she might have a medical emergency while he was away during the day. He struggled through most of his tasks, and most days he left early just to get to her.

He had wanted to help her figure out who she was. That's why he had gone back into that damn house.

Originally, it was because he wanted to make sure there was nothing more he could salvage for her. That house was Amena's whole life, and there had to be more than just a blanket to show for that.

He had found bits of artwork in the basement, and a small stack of books that he didn't know how she could've even read them in that dark place. He promised himself that he would get her everything she could ever desire.

She turned out to be more than his wildest dream. She had turned into such vibrant life, and he was so proud of the obstacles she had faced to make progress. She was becoming quite the independent women, and he loved it.

He loved her. He loved everything about her. She was his whole life. He was so lucky to have her.

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