Chapter Four

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Hey all!!
Sorry for the lack of chapters... my dog escaped my back yard and hasn't returned 😭

I've posted about her everywhere and called shelters... no luck yet.

On a happy note, I think you all may like this chapter. It's setting up for a great one next (which will be published... if not today, tomorrow.)

Please vote, comment, share and give a follow for more!!



"This sweater totally beats the other one out of the park. Don't ya think?" Joslyn asks, showing me a light green sweater with small daisies embroidered on it.

"That's really cute. Like 'I may need to borrow it' kind of cute." I smile.

"Yeah. I feel it's almost more your style than mine. I usually go for bright 'in your face' kind of colors and you go for more of the forestry cozy cottage vibe."

I shrug, "eh. That doesn't mean you can't wear something just because it's not your normal aesthetic Jos."

Nodding her head in agreement, she takes the sweater in her size off the rack and walks on to continue to browse other clothing options.

"Ooh! Oooh!" Joslyn squeals, running over to me. "Pizza boy just snapped me asking about you and if I could give him your number!"

"W-what?" I ask, a blush creeping to my cheeks. Don't get me wrong, he seems nice. But, something within me is telling me to keep my distance from him. "What did he say?"

Joslyn smiles as her thumbs start typing away. "He just asked 'hey Joslyn, your friend that I met the other night, is she single? If so, can you spare me her number? Your dad practically threw me out as soon as I asked her last night." She said in a lower tone as if to mimic how he would sound.

Then Joslyn looked at me confused, "my dad threw him out?"

My eyes glance away quickly before looking back at her. What do I say now?
"Uh, kinda? He just told him to leave. I don't think your dad likes him."

She just shrugs, "my dad just gets protective. He knows Xavier used to be a trouble maker, but I'm sure he's changed. We all have since high school. I'd say give him a chance."

Just as I was about to respond, I got a text.

Hey, it's Xavier. The pizza boy lolz
Would you want to meet up at the lake in like two hours? Joslyn can come. She knows which one I'm talking about.

I look at Joslyn as she stares at me with wide eyes.
I clear my throat, "he wants us to meet at the lake in two hours. What do I do? What do I say?"

Joslyn smiles, "ohh, he wants to meet at the lake!" Her face beaming, she scurries off to a rack of swim suits.
"We need to make you look totally bonerific." She states as she searches through the hundreds of options.

"How about this one?" I say, finding a cute maroon one piece with an open back.

"Eh, not really the vibe you should go for. He's totally into you, and you need a summer fling so we need something that will have him as well as other guys drooling."

I choke on air for a short moment, "other guys? Why not just him?"
I'm not one who likes feeling the male gaze on me, it makes me uncomfortable and like something bad is going to happen.

"If you have multiple guys swooning over how hot you look, it'll make Xavier that much more possessive over wanting you to be his girl."

"You read too much Wattpad. Possession over a person isn't hot." I laugh.

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