Chapter Eleven

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Hey all! So this chapter is short, just to get me back into the swings of things.
It's more for filler but really shows some emotional views on Alec and his family.
I know it's not well written, but I will fix it and manage to make it flow more properly at a later date.

I love and appreciate you all, thank you for being so patient with me ❤️


I hop out of the truck and round the other side, opening Daphnes door.
I watch her hesitate for a moment, such a small moment no one would notice, but I did.
I don't blame her for being on edge. After that that little shit Xavier pulled out of his damn sleeve... I need to figure out a way to get her out of this predicament he put her in. It's my fault she's having to pretend to be his girlfriend in the first place.

"My boy, a few minutes late. That's a first!" My dad laughs as he slowly makes his way off the porch and to my truck.
"Dad, you can go sit and relax. I brought backup." I smile lightheartedly, or as much as I can considering I'm actually pretty tense.

"I see, I see. Now who is this pretty young lass? It's not Joslyn, who I should add hasn't come to visit me since she's gotten home." He frowns and my heart breaks for not making her come and visit my old man, but at the same time, she knows better. She shouldn't need me to tell her what's right from wrong, or how it's kind to visit those you love knowing they might not be here much longer...

"I think she's planning on stopping by sometime soon dad, no need to worry." I say, trying to reassure him. My dad has always been the more sensitive kind of guy, putting others before himself. That's why this farm is so run down. He would do hard labor for anyone who needed the help and would set aside his own until the later days or last minute, wearing his body down to nothing.
That's why I'm here. He's only fifty eight, still has a lot of life in him.. well.. he should. But he's tired. And his body hurts him. I can tell by the way he walks at a slow pace with his brows furrowed as if trying to concentrate on not falling. But the smile on his face.. that's an act. As if saying that he's fine when you know he's not.

Damn.. I hate watching him whither away...

"I'm Daphne, Joslyns roommate and best friend from college." Daphne hums kindly, gently shaking my old man's hand.

His face lights up as she speaks and he gently takes her by the arm and guide her up the porch, I barley hear him offer her a glass of lemonade which she kindly accepts.
Simply, I just act as if I'm grabbing my tools from the back of the truck, but I'm really watching the two on the porch interact.
They're both laughing about something, and I can't help but feel a smile rise upon my face as I watch. The way Daphnes skin glows and makes the space around her so much brighter is truly such a gift.
She's a gift.

Grabbing my small tool box and a few pieces of plywood from the bed of the truck, I make way for the big red barn. Or what used to be the barn. It's mostly now a few walls barley standing up with faded chipped away red paint. My goal is get this barn built and ready for animals by fall. Not sure if I can do it, but I'm determined to try.

I hear the sound of quickly paced steps approaching from behind me and barley glance around before seeing Daphne with a large smile, ready to help me.
"So, what can I do??"

I chuckle at her readiness for anything and everything. I know that even if I have her an impossible task, she'd find a way to do it and get it done. She's truly motivated.

"Well, right now I'm trying to get some walls rebuilt in the barn and since it's pretty dusty in there, how about you repaint the rail on the houses porch? I know it's not as fun, but the house is..."

"Needing some love? I can see.. I'm more than happy to help get the house looking like a true home again. He deserves it." She smiles softly looking back at my dad rocking in his chair on the porch, as we watched a few ducks waddle by.

"He's been through a lot. He deserves his home to truly be a home and not some shelter kind of thing."

Daphne just watches me with her big eyes before responding, "where's the paint and the brushes?"

. . . . . . . . .  .


Surprisingly it only took about five hours to paint the whole railing on the large wrap around porch. Considering I kept getting lost in thought about the whole Xavier ordeal and then the lovely sight before me.. Alec sweating as he'd carry larger pieces of plywood in and out of the barn... wow.

I couldn't help but wonder why Joslyn hasn't made her way up here yet. She always seems so family oriented, well with the exception of her mother, but still. Her grandfather has been nothing but kind and funny, telling me stories about both Alec and Joslyn years ago.

Mr Jay, who I learned is his name, is truly a warm hearted man.
He truly seems like a kind person, that's been through a lot and now needs a little help.
And to be honest, I'm happy to be here with Alec to lend a hand. 
I meant every word when I said I wanted to get this house back to being a home.
Mr Jay mentioned to me that out of six kids, only two are alive now. He said two passed before the age of ten, then and then the oldest child died in a car accident, while the other one died from depression... my heart broke for both Mr Jay and Alec. I had no idea Alec had siblings to behind with, let alone that four passed.
But Mr. Jay mentioned that the middle child who is still living, the brother right below Alec actually, lives in New York at a book publishing company. As Mr Jay put it, 'Anthony is a big hot shot making big money!' Which leaves me wondering as to why he wouldn't lend money to his father to fix this house and farm that are in complete shambles.

Maybe it's family drama or issues, but I don't think it's fair.
I may not get along with my parents or agree with how they treat me sometimes, but I'd never want them to be living in a place there the walls and floors are destroyed with water damage and the ceiling is about to fall on them...
I just don't get it...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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