Chapter 16 | For the Grace, the might of the lord

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║ [[[ >>> Welcome back, user <<< ]]] ║


{{\\ Initiating Protocol //}}


║ [[[ >>> Datapackage received <<< ]]] ║



║ Unusual Data detected... ║



║ {{\\Accessing Security Intranet //}} ║



║ [[[ >>> Loading all contents: Standby ( 1% )... <<< ]]] ║



║ [[[ >>> Loading all contents: Standby ( 10% )... <<< ]]] ║



║ Unusual Data detected... ║



║ [[[ >>> Loading all contents: Standby ( 76% )... <<< ]]] ║



║ [[[ >>> Loading all contents: Standby ( 99% )... <<< ]]] ║



║ [[[>>> Processing complete! <<<]]] ║


{{\=+=+= Initiating Hologram =+=+=//}}


║ [[[ >>> - United Nations Security Intranet - <<<]]] ║


[ Discord: ]


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