Chapter 41 | Despondance

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An ancient military base was something Alfreda admittedly was a little familiar with.

Area 51 was actually over the ruins of such a structure. It was where a large number of her advanced military technology came from. It's why America's Eagle Troopers existed, alongside Thunderin' Bisons and much of her stealth technology as well.

These ancient caches of a fighting force long gone

But there was something to this one, ancient in all of the word. 1, it was on the surface of another planet instead of being buried deep beneath the ground - which was its own level of amazing.

And 2, it seems to have a level of belonging and simplicity to it that she could theoretically see out of Atlas.

When they landed, she deduced a couple of things immediately on the onset of their arrival. The base was divided into 2 areas, and each area served simple purposes, with one being larger than the other.

Large buildings, with a clear palisade like appearance. They were multi storied, with a courtyard, and what looks like faded lines in the material that made up the surface. It only took for a flag pole and some auspiciously placed equipment for her to realize that she was looking at the barracks of the place, where all of the troops of the ancient facility would have gone.

But, it still felt...familiar, but not as familiar to someone who has been here, but also not.

As if he was visiting some place from within his childhood.

And Atlas himself felt like that despite not remembering anything about here at all. But now, it does not matter to him, the past is a history lesson, but you should worry more about the future than what happened yesterday, so he ignored these feelings, but can't ignore the feelings from behind him...or all around him.

However, exploring had tired out Alfreda. As well as Amelia and Allison. And even Columbia - although she probably brought that upon herself since she was carrying a rocket launcher that was twice her height. The 4 women were... unaccustomed to the environment and rather they had already run out of much of their energy.

Only Nova Mantle was still excited as she was running around freely, laughing and giggling, even trying to poke her step dad's helmet to get a reaction out of him. Atlas however, still felt relieved at how she is acting right now, and saw the tired out girls, wondering if he is making them explore a bit too long, and begin to search for a great location to settle down and rest.

And soon, he found what he was looking for, and in his heart, he felt relief, relief that some burdens will be lifted once he found out what is happening down there. Not so much joy, happiness, or any emotions, just relief.

For the girls, that was something they were happy with, better than emotionless.

But Nova Mantle was looking on curiously as she wondered what made her father...relieved, to say the least.

However, before they go into the building, Amelia begins to point something out. "Atlasssss" she whined, "We're tired... Can we stop at that home?" Alfreda looked over at the place that she was pointing out and particular, and started to mentally pick it apart.

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