How it ended

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Mixing potions, speaking spells meant shooting arrows with Tiya, Eli and everyone. And apparently, it meant staying kneed down and trying to focus on my inner self. That was not what I had in mind.

I thought I was going to be mixing a bunch of odd liquids that produced a very terrible odor.
Stop overthinking. Just let yourself be consumed by your inner self said a voice that sound far away. Yes, there said the voice again.

I didn't know what the point was. I heard a snarl, this time a bit clear.

I opened my eyes when I felt a pair of eyes stare at me.

"You have the sight. I don't realize your problem" said Sister Lisa. "I don't know if you have noticed but I just happened to be new in this kind of inner self business" I accused.

I got up and felt her follow me. She turned me around from my shoulders and forced my tired eyes to hers that was beaming with frustration. "Thabo, you have to understand that by now they know of our little adventure and soon they will—probably catch up with us and we have to be ready and by that I mean you. The rest of the team have already learned fighting skills but you are witch, well technically, partly. But witches we are fighter and fight with--" "our inner self, yeah I know" I finished her statement. She looked at me and said "instincts, we fight with our instincts".


Natures first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leafs a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to dat.
Nothing gold can stay

Nothing gold can stay by Robert Frost

Instincts weren't my best word apparently. Instincts meant focus and I was anyway counted myself as someone who possesses focus.

That night I didn't sleep so did Sister Lisa. She told me to be awake.

The night was quiet and peaceful. Insects played sounds that made me appreciate nature. The trees made way for the wind to pass, it wrapped around the leaves and made them make a humming sounds. Some leaves fell down and crushed and cluttered. Twigs were loud throughout the forest but were peaceful. Not of wild animals but of the wind. Paving way for the wind.

Wind. That was one of the things I was supposed to get out of my instincts activities. Focus, that was Sister Lisa reminding me why were bare footed at night in the middle of nowhere in the forest. Her voice seemed to collide with the cold air making me shiver.

"This is who you are" she said again, it sounded far away yet clearer. This is who you are, this is who you are. The words repeated in my mind. "You were born to do this". That wasn't Sister Lisa speaking that was something else. It was soft yet thunderous, like the wind. "Speak to the wind, tell it stop". "Instincts" that word again, this time it was Sister Lisa.

I let my hair stand and my body shiver. I let the wind hit me with waves, the leaves fall on me.
The wind brew again, almost knocking me off away to some place but I let my feet fixated on the ground. The ground was one with me and breathed in as the wind was rushing at me.

It was like a body made of vapor circling me trying to make me dizzy but weirdly or instincts as Sister Lisa may say, I let the whirlwind to embrace me. I let the ground, earth, the earth to hold me like we are one.

Then there was silence, I took that as that was my cue, opened my eyes, they hurt. They felt dry. Sister Lisa run to me and hugged me so tight. "You realized what you have just done, girl?" said sister, thrilled. That made two of us.

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